For One Week, Recommend/Share:

Mar 06, 2013 12:36

For One Week, Recommend/Share:

Day 1: A song
Day 2: A picture
Day 3: A book/ebook/fanfic
Day 4: A site
Day 5: A youtube clip
Day 6: A quote
Day 7: Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 4: A site -

io9 is a blog launched in 2008 by  Gawker Media.  The blog focuses on the subjects
of science fiction, futurism and advances in the fields of science and ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

lifefailsme March 8 2013, 08:03:04 UTC
OoOo Checking that out, thnx!


kudagirl March 9 2013, 01:00:51 UTC
This is where I find so many links I send to you. From there are other sites you can scan for interesting stuff.


lifefailsme March 9 2013, 11:28:49 UTC
I shall bookmark it then and thank you! I dont seem to get time to do that much online any more but when bored one evening I will try to look around it then, again tho thanks that you have done that for me and linked me to things on there in the past. :D


edenskye March 9 2013, 00:18:04 UTC
It is a fun site. I've peaked a few times myself.


kudagirl March 9 2013, 01:01:11 UTC
It does have lots of fun stuff.


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