Massive Thanks For All The Birthday Greetings!

Aug 21, 2012 17:25

I have a wonderful flist.  I treasure them all.
My birthday fell on a difficult weekend due to
work and family issues.  And that was after
a couple of weeks of suffering from allergies.

clicky click to see )

prezzies, flist, birthday, thankyou, icons, drabble

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Comments 6

kerkevik August 22 2012, 00:02:36 UTC
Glad you liked your pressie.

You did figure out who and what the title referred to...

didn't you?



kudagirl August 22 2012, 01:00:24 UTC
I took it to be Buffy. Did you know that Sarah was not a natural blond. She played Kendall in All My Children. I don't know if you can see this video, but give this link a try. And the guy in the leather vest, he played Dracula on Buffy.

If you can't see the video, check out this photo shoot of the All My Children cast:

... )


kerkevik August 22 2012, 01:39:52 UTC
Hi, just woke up after a wee sleep. I believe that I knew SMG wasn't a natural blonde before I even started watching the show; though I can't remember exactly how, or when, that happened.

I do know I'm not the first to get humour out of SMG's natural hair colour at Buffy's expense though.

This is one of my favourite Spike stories; at the time this was one of the first pro-Dawnie stories I ever read as well.

Love to know what you think of the other birthday fic I wrote that day ~ for cmk418.

I shall now go and watch the vid :-)



debris4spike August 22 2012, 07:13:03 UTC
Glad it was a good day - despite evrything going on.

Yes, certainly going to book into Hotal Marsters ... meet you at the bar for drinks!


kudagirl August 22 2012, 11:59:25 UTC
If they opened that Hotel it would be booked up for years. LOL! James could put on plays and Ghost of the Robot concerts. He wouldn't have to worry about doing TV or movies anymore. His fans would support him.


edenskye September 9 2012, 23:27:41 UTC
I can't believe that I didn't see this post.

Your welcome. Hope I added some joy to your birthday.


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