Massive Thanks For All The Birthday Greetings!

Aug 21, 2012 17:25

I have a wonderful flist.  I treasure them all.
My birthday fell on a difficult weekend due to
work and family issues.  And that was after
a couple of weeks of suffering from allergies.

Lovely messages from cordykittenslaymesoftly, eilowyn,
justbeyourself, mabel_marstersmurielle, piggy1, kerkevik,
rivertempest, slaymesoftly, jaded_jamie, debris4spike
and my beloved other half, edenskye.

I was blessed with a scary video from a Dalek warning me to have a Happy Birthday.
Three guesses who sent that one and the first two guess don't count.

edenskye made me a Spuffy card.

What did James have in his back pocket when they took this photo?

He also gave me these to add to my collection of Spike.


The talented kerkevik wrote this for me.

Natural Blonde

What was wrong with him?

Every blonde he'd ever known had been bloody torture!
What was it about this one that had him faking orgasms with an air-brain like Harmony?  
I mean...  he bloody saved her life and she totally ignored him as he struggled with the Lei-ach he'd saved her from!
How bloomin' ironic was it that it was another blonde that helped him salve that hurt. 
The blinding pain from punching the the witch's nose was more than bloody well worth it! 
It was a bloody wonderful, and delicious, revelation when he finally discovered the truth.Effulgent even.

debris4spike made me icons. She is getting so good with GIMP.

Good buddy, piggy1, made this for me and I wish it was a real hotel. We would all
meet up there to bask in the wonderness of James Marsters.

prezzies, flist, birthday, thankyou, icons, drabble

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