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Comments 19

rivertempest September 15 2009, 13:39:41 UTC
It is sad to see that Patrick died, my favorite movie of his was "City Of Joy" and it coincides with how he approached life - Life is shit and you gotta wade through it.

OH NO!!!! You cracked a tooth! *huggles you* Well crap. Can you do a payment plan with a dentist, I know some are doing that now in this economy.

I'm totally broke too after DC. Also, I got the Con Crud and am hacking up my left lung. I've been sick since last Thursday, stupid people who don't cover their mouths when they cough, and I've run out of sick time at work so no pay for me. *meh*

But it was worth it. ;)

I miss you guys. *sobs*


kudagirl September 15 2009, 14:26:41 UTC
I managed not to get the Con Crud thankfully. My reg. doc gives lower rates to those who don't have insurance, but it is still not cheap. I haven't got a dentist so not sure what to do. It will be at least four months till I am able to get insurance at work. Have to work about 1,000 hours before it's offered. Last time I had a cracked tooth, it was about $700 for my part after insurance. So it will have to wait awhile till I have more money.

Patrick Swayze faced death honorably. He and I were born on the same day and year. He was a Texan as well. I agree with the idea Life is shit and you gotta wade through it. I've lived my life that way as well.

Miss you as well. Tommy and I haven't been able to even see each other since we got back. He is coming over this Friday to watch True Blood's last two episodes. Wish you could come over as well.


mabel_marsters September 15 2009, 16:35:30 UTC
Sorry to hear about your tooth :(

I wasn't a Swayze fan but he seemed a nice bloke and it's no age at all!


kudagirl September 16 2009, 22:42:18 UTC
Thanks. Just hate the idea of going to the dentist with no insurance.

I wasn't a huge Swayze fan either, but enjoyed his movies. I respected his attitude about his illness and how he faced it.


debris4spike September 15 2009, 16:42:02 UTC
I loved Dirthy Dancing - the only film that ever made me wit=sh I could dance! He was great in North & South as well.

May he R.I.P.

Hope that you are able to get the tooth sorted out - looking forward to reading your Dragon*Con reports ... and hopefully seeing the pics.


kudagirl September 16 2009, 22:44:30 UTC
I avoid dancing in public. I limit mine to the living room with my dogs. They don't laugh at me.

I will avoid the dentist till it hurts so much I have to give in and go. Hate the dentist. Bad experiences in the past.


debris4spike September 17 2009, 06:36:32 UTC
I daren't even let Jiffy watch me dance - LOL

As to dentists - I used to be bad, as a teen - I actually fainetd during treatment once!! But then I had an abscess, and couldn't wait to go. Toni is terrible - I said (last week in a post) that for her to say she doesn't like dentists is like saying that the Pope goes to Church occasionally!!! She had to go, as she broke a front tooth - and it's her daughters wedding (that's why I have Kai)

PS - Glad to see the right hand comumn back ... and congrats on becoming an RWSA nominee!


kudagirl September 17 2009, 10:55:32 UTC
Thanks, I don't expect to win anything. You know how I feel about my stuff compared to others. I have some good friends who nominate me, but I never expect to win anything.

I spent years going to military dentists who were not very gentle. Then there were times we couldn't even use the military dentists due to them being short handed and family members couldn't get into them. So did without a lot of the time.


lifefailsme September 15 2009, 16:42:21 UTC
This was so sad :(


kudagirl September 16 2009, 22:47:20 UTC
Yes, it is. I didn't leave a comment on your post since I'm have limited time online these days. I am just skimming my friend's page and trying to catch up again. I got so far behind when I was away. Then I've only had two days off since I got back. I am still playing catch up on my flist.


lifefailsme September 17 2009, 06:32:57 UTC
Ah well I am sure people will understand. I don't even try to catch up when I've been away, I is bad flister LOL


kudagirl September 17 2009, 10:51:45 UTC
Before I went back to work, I would comment on all of my flist's entries. I just don't have the time to do it now. I just hope my flist understands. I had so many emails when I got back home and I still haven't caught up on them.


cordykitten September 15 2009, 19:00:33 UTC
Sorry about your teeth. Hopefully it ill holt till you can have it fixed.

Sad news about Patrick Swayze, I heard it on the news this morning. I hoped he would beat his cancer. *sigh*
A man from the radio said with him part of my childhood died. He's right.
Cancer sucks.


kudagirl September 16 2009, 22:48:59 UTC
I am trying not to irrate the tooth. Avoiding eating on that side.

Swayze's type of cancer is usually terminal. Not much they can do about it. He fought it and kept working. Shows what a brave and strong man he was.


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