Donald Trump being fact-checked by... me???? Twitter-storm and media-storm in Sweden...

Feb 23, 2017 01:46

I... don't even know where to start this post. o.O

Let's see... I took over the @sweden Monday 13th. Was a lot of active users following it, around 104'000. So there was a lot of questions and comments being thrown at me. But not more than I could keep up with. The nasty ones I just ignored. :-)

It was fun. I tweeted about my days. I tweeted about my city, Borås. I tweeted about books, since I am a librarian. Gave tips for reading about Sweden. What you can do coming to visit Sweden, and what fun there is to do in different cities.

Just what I'd expected to do on such a Twitter account. And the same thing I did, pretty much, when I was a voice for Sweden on The Swedish Number. Only this time I had to write my answers and to a lot more people then I had done then. So it was all fun and games...

Until after midnight Saturday night (swedish time). When Donald Trump held a speech where he talked about refugees and terrorist attacks. "Look at what's happening in Sweden. Last night in Sweden..."

I didn't know about this. Until suddenly A TON of people started to ask the only swede awake. On Twitter. @sweden. What is happening? Are you OK? Is ABBA fine? Have Måns Zelmerlöf been hurt? Etc, etc, etc... Et infinity...

I was left with thinking, what the FUCK is he talking about? Checking all the sources I could think off (because fact-check, people!), I came to the conclusion it was bullshit. And proceeded to tell the followers as much, mostly to reassure everyone and inform, you know?

This went on for all night until I noticed the time. 3:45am. SHIT! Kiddo usually wakes up at 7am, so I hurried to bed for a bit of sleep.

Woke up all groggy and shit and cuddled kiddo in the couch. And checked @sweden twitter. Between 800-900 mentions. HOLY HELL!!! Obviously I couldn't answer everyone, but I answered a few here and there, and kept informing and reassuring that NOTHING HAS HAPPENED!!!

And (gladly) after I had started to wake up, the media-circus started...

First a web-page/web-news page called Mashable mailed me questions about what had happened.... And then, hold your hats, BBC who I did a live-interview with right on air. And Le Monde (from France), DMed me and mailed me. After that, swedish media got in on it. And they to contacted me.

So I had the two MAIN NEWS SHOWS here in my messy home interviewing and filming me. WTF??? Both Rapport and TV4News.

After than it was the local newspaper that called and did a phone interview, Borås Tidning.

At this point I'm so flabbergasted, I had no words. To me, it was no huge deal. I'd spread information, spoke the truth and been myself. That's all. But these people seemed to see it as if I'd spoken against Donald Trump. *shrug* I suppose in a way I had, but I didn't and still don't see it like that.

Next news-site that contacted me and did a phone-interview was The Local who has swedish news in english. And the Daglige Blad from Norway.

And then... BBC contacted me AGAIN!!! X-D So I did another live-interview with them.

That was the last one I did on Sunday. I'd promised both myself, peting73 and Alexandra that I wouldn't do anything after 6pm at night, since... family is the most important after all.

I went to bed quite late again, since the storm had not stopped on the account. I was still the swede of the week on @sweden. And Sunday night was my last night, so I wanted to keep information coming for as long as possible before I had to logg out. So I did. There was still TONS and TONS of questions pouring in and I answered as best I could. Tweeting information and news as best I could. Until finally I was to exhausted and logged out and collapsed in bed.

You'd think since I was not the swede of the week on Monday I wouldn't have anyone calling me? Wrong! SO wrong!

I'd gotten emails during Sunday from the public radio here in Sweden about doing a couple of mornings show Monday morning. So I had to get up early, since the first one was to call me at... 6:45 am.

So at 6:45am I talked to the morning show in Stockholm. 7:15am I talked to the local radio-show Radio Sjuhärad... And at 7:30am I talked to the the morning show P3 Morgon-passet.

After that I threw myself in the shower taking a shower and after that getting makeup on, because after that...

I was to be on BBC (AGAIN!). This time it was BBC News (what??!?!). I didn't know if they wanted with my face to on Skype, so hence the makeup. Proved they didn't need that, oh well...

My mom came over that monday, THANK GAWD! Because during the day I was contacted by CNN in New York, USA.

I... had no words at this point, and more was to come... So we scheduled an interview late that evening my time. (After Alexandras bedtime.)

Mom helped me clean a bit and we hung out. Went to pick up Alexandra and we stopped at the playground, which Alexandra wanted. And when we hung out by the playground I got a phone call from one of my colleagues who jokingly called me the celebrity. Then she said that there'd been a call to them asking for my phone-number. From the swedish government. WHAT??? Of course it was fine if they called me. So they did.

And it was the Head of Staff at the Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström. Who called to give me an official thank you from the swedish government.

WHAT??!??! I was beyond happy I was sitting down at that point, let me tell you.

Mom stayed with us all day, until bedtime. I even dozzed off leaning against her at one point after dinner. It felt wonderful. I swear to anything holy, I'll always need mom. She is my piler of support when things storm around me. She, peting73 and my best friend spicehobbit.

Anyway, later that night CNN called me up on Skype, and everything got set up and all. They were very very professional and effective. The interviewer, live on air and everything, was Brooke Baldwin, apparently. I couldn't see. I only saw my screen, but apparently they had me on image on the show. They had to cut it short though, since Donald Trump announced new members of the White House staff. Which was fine, really!

You'd think that was the last of it, but no...

The day after, Tuesday, I was doing a live-thing on Facebook with a couple of people from The Swedish Institute who runs the @sweden twitter account and are responsibel for it. It was weird but also a lot of fun.

That, however, was the last of it!!!!

Today I've just stayed home and not done a damn thing. GEEZES CHRIST!

So... How was your weekend? X-D *LOL*

And here's all the links to everything I've done. Only thing I couldn't find a link for was the Norweigan newspaper. :-) In case you wanna read, listen or watch. If it's in swedish, I'll make a note for it.

All the interviews about the swedish incident aka #lastnightinsweden...

Mashable: HERE (news website)

BBC Newshour: HERE (radio-show)

Le Monde: HERE (Google translated from french) (newspaper in France)

Expressen: HERE (in swedish) (newspaper)

Rapport: HERE (in swedish) (main news on swedish TV)

TV4 Nyheterna: HERE (in swedish) (main news on swedish TV)

BT: HERE (in swedish) (local newspaper)

Aftonbladet: HERE (in swedish) (newspaper)

Dagens Nyheter: HERE (in swedish) (newspaper)

The Local: HERE (website, swedish news in english)

Daglige Blad (couldn't find) (Norwegian newspaper)

Today program BBC 4 Radio: HERE (radio-show)

P5 Stockholm Morgon program: HERE (in swedish) (radio-show in Stockholm)

P4 Radio Sjuhärad Morgon: HERE (in swedish) (local radio-show)

P3 Morgonpasset: HERE (fast forward 36min) (in swedish) (radio-show in Stockholm)

Biblioteksbladet: HERE (in swedish) (librarian news-paper)

BBC NEWS: HERE (website)

CNN Newsroom: (transcript): HERE (transcript of live interview on air)

Sweden.Se on Facebook, recorded live: HERE

And lastely, not with me involved but still, Stepen Colberts comments on the whole thing: HERE

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

twitter, eurovision song contest, peting, life, computer-time, mother, interesting, the swedish number, swedish things, my love, the swedish twitter, mom, family, comp-stuff, politics

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