Fucking laundry day...

Mar 09, 2016 23:19

I am in SO MUCH PAIN! X-/ Equal relationship we are not.

How a laundry day goes:

Peting73 throws first two loads in the washing machine when he gets home from work, then goes to daycare to pick up Alexandra. Plays with her and eats a fruit, then changes the loads in the washing maching, getting two more loads going. Cooks late dinner. I get home, help ( Read more... )

health, peting, life, pissed off, kid, ranting, stress, family

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Comments 21

shapinglight March 9 2016, 22:49:44 UTC

It was the same with me back when I was working. I don't think S would even have noticed about the laundry. Once, I went away for a few days and he bought himself new underwear because he didn't know how to use the washing machine.


kseenaa March 10 2016, 10:17:15 UTC
Oh, Peting KNOWS how to do the laundry. He is actually quite good at it. But he hates it. Of all the household duties, he hates laundry the most. And so just don't do it unless we plan it or I ask him. Which drives me mad! And folding, yeah... That just don't happen. :-/


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kseenaa March 10 2016, 10:18:55 UTC
Yeah. Peting has this very selective eyesight, apparently. When I had a fit over him not helping enough once, he told me he just don't see what needs doing. *shrug* I asked him what he meant, and yeah. Either he don't reflect on it or don't see it, but he just... don't do it unless asked or we plan it. *sigh*


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kseenaa March 14 2016, 15:26:10 UTC
Of course it's bullshit. *lol* But according to him certain things are 'my job', and not his. :-P Dishes since he is cooking, for instance. Which, Ok. I get that. But the rest of it? Cooking and dishes isn't the only household work on the list...


steinsgrrl March 10 2016, 02:59:25 UTC
Ugh. Can he do the catboxes and clean up a little before you get home? Make it a little more equal?


kseenaa March 10 2016, 10:24:49 UTC
Trust me when I say we've tried that scenario. And he does on Mondays. Thank heavens because then I work until 6:15pm and am not home until close to 7pm. He cooks each day, but he likes cooking... Ehm...

Problem is that he has a very selective eyesight, apparently. He doesn't see what needs doing or reflect on it. And, unlike me, he does fun stuff (computer, TV, comic, what have you) before the boring stuff (household chores), because that makes sense... *shakes head* So either we have to plan what to do or I have to point whatever needs doing out. And he don't like it when I point it out, so that's not very fun. :-/


steinsgrrl March 10 2016, 13:52:51 UTC
Ohh, yep. That's it in my house, too. I either do it or ask someone to do it, or it doesn't get done. And they don't like to be asked. No fun at all.


kseenaa March 14 2016, 15:12:27 UTC
Not fun in the least, no. I am hoping to figure out a solution to it, because sometimes it drives me nuts!


scripsi March 10 2016, 10:34:22 UTC
Don't fold his clothes? Just place them in his wardrobe. But it's easy for me to say because here it's my husband who all the laundry, the only thing I has to do is fold and iron my own and the kid's clothes. I only pick up after myself too, and work around husband's stuff. :)


kseenaa March 10 2016, 10:42:12 UTC
Oh no... If I don't fold and put away, it won't. And don't let me start on how it looks in the wardrobe in his drawers, especially in his t-shirt drawers. It's just... yeah. *sigh* He keeps saying he'll take care of it, but never does. Ugh. :-P


scripsi March 10 2016, 10:48:40 UTC
I was thinking more of placing the laundry back at it is in there and then let him pick... At least you don't have to see it. But I know it isn't easy to co-habit. My husband and I probably do 50/50 but we go about different ways. I like to do some picking up during the week, he likes to really get go at it once or twice.

But it's hard to make people "see" what needs to be done if they just don't. I had that difficulties with my ex. My solution was to list what I wanted neat in the house for my own sake and thought that, leaving the rest to fall. So I kept the kitchen and bathrooms cleans and when my ex finally looked around and saide that perhaps "we" should clean, I pointed out to him that "I" cleaned every day and what I did. Thing did imporove somewhat after that. :)


kseenaa March 14 2016, 15:11:51 UTC
I try to let him do this his way when he does get a case of the cleaning mania... But when it comes to laundry he's really hating that, so as soon as I get home, he just drops it basiclly.

Doing the list thing sounds like an excellent idea, actually! I might do a version of that. Thanks for the tips!


1_rhiannon_1 March 10 2016, 19:51:14 UTC
I now feel extremely guilty that I said fuck it and left the laundry unfolded in the basket by closet. I had an attack of the lazies, not even gonna lie.


kseenaa March 14 2016, 15:08:10 UTC
Having an attack of the lazies is alright once in a while. But not all the time, you know? :-P So discussions do continue in this household. :-)


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