Fucking laundry day...

Mar 09, 2016 23:19

I am in SO MUCH PAIN! X-/ Equal relationship we are not.

How a laundry day goes:

Peting73 throws first two loads in the washing machine when he gets home from work, then goes to daycare to pick up Alexandra. Plays with her and eats a fruit, then changes the loads in the washing maching, getting two more loads going. Cooks late dinner. I get home, help with dinner. I take care of the cats litterbox. Peting puts Alexandra to bed, then goes to computer. I take care of all dishes. I prepare my breakfast for the morning. I pick up any mess. I go down to get all the laundry, fold it and put it away. All of it. And today I baked muffins to bring to work on Friday. It's now 11pm and I just NOW got to sit down.

Did I mention my hip hurts like hell? *grumpy* I seem to get stuck doing the bigger parts of the household work, and I'm the one that gets home at the latest!

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health, peting, life, pissed off, kid, ranting, stress, family

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