Horrible Friday and much MUCH slower Saturday...

Mar 13, 2016 02:54

Friday... Oh my gawd, where to even begin?

Well, to be honest i started Thursday already. Doing a few hours in the public library closest the school I find out that the day after, Friday, me and two other school librarians are to meet up and discuss the reading program for the summer holidays so all will be planned and done.

Crap. I'd already made plans with two teachers to have one class come borrow books and to visit another class. And it was my turn to bring in the Friday FIKA muffins...

Stressing already on Thursday I make sure I have the car the next day.

Friday morning I wake up stressed out. Get Alexandra to daycare without any issues, since she is in a moderately good mood these days (she got new pink wellington boots). Hurry back home and pack up the car. Hurry to work, get the FIKA muffins set up, so anyone can grab one whenever they decide to FIKA. Hurry around the school and find both teachers to reschedule. Class borrowing books coming to the library right away first thing when their class started. And then get to the public library for the meeting. I was only 20mins late. I still can't believe I managed that. And to make it worse one of those school-librarians are a whiny bitch, to be quite honest. The smallest thing is a huge struggle for her and she will let you know. Loudly. And then laugh about it. And then whine again. I just can't with that woman. Unfortunately she's the librarian of the school library closest to mine, so... I have to work with her on occasion. Pisses me off, to be honest.

And to think the rest of the day was calm? *LOL* No. I was still stressed the hell out with that start to my day.

So I was supposed to go to the rescheduled class, and when I get there I find out I can't talk to the class right then because they have to discuss these tests that all schools in Sweden do, so no librarian is welcome right then. And I had to reschedule when my schedule for next week already is so insane I just can't with it.

If someone tells me working as a librarian is calm and relaxing I'm going to punch them in the face.

Gladly today has been relaxing and calm. Alexandra wanted to visit her grandmother, MIL. So we did that and I love my MIL. I really do. We talked for nearly three hours straight, if not more. (Yes, I did complain a bit about Peting, her son. And she agreed with me. *LOL* Felt good.)

I'm caught up with F-list now, but not with my inbox. Holy hell, people! o.O I might have to cut a bit in my f-list if this continues, because I won't be able to keep up. I'll give it a few days, but yeah... we'll see. :-) If any of you need to do that as well, feel free to. I don't mind at all. :-)

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

work, peting, life, love, relatives, swedish things, job, kid, ranting, stress, family

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