About me - the open book!

Mar 09, 2016 14:43

Can I just say HOLY FUCKING SHIT IN THE OCEAN?!?!?!?! o.O Now I've been part of friending memes before, many times. But I've never EVER been a part of one that has taken off like this. My flist is BURSTING! Geezes, fuck! o.O

Excuse the language, but yeah... o.O Circling the wagon -friending meme rocked my socks off!

Anyway, so part of the deal was to make a post about myself, so here goes... I'll excuse my wordiness right away.

I'm called KSena online which is a name I got when I was active in the student union club Sexmasters (NO! No, it has nothing to do with sex, to 'sexa' is an old swedish word meaning to party. Hence the name 'partymasters'.) I was very active in the student union while studying and got my significant other out of it, peting73.

I studied Library and Information Science and even managed to write a national masters thesis at the end of it all, together with chigrima / Chigrima. Despite butting heads and struggling with that thing for a year, we’re still friends to this day, even if we don’t see each other that much.

I’ve had many jobs as a librarian and library assistant, but only temporary work, when someone was sick or while they did reorganizations at the library. Not that strange, since this city is the only one where you can study all the classes needed to get a masters thesis in Library and Information science, it's hard to get a job. There's just so many librarians here. :-)

These days I have my first proper job, that I think I’ll get to keep.

I work at a school that is a bit troubled with a lot of refugee kids with a lot of troubled memories or parents with troubled memories. And then there’s a bunch of kids hanging out with the wrong crowd, kids I’m afraid it won’t end well for. So those troubled kids, those I call the hooligans. They love to run in and try to trash the library or the lunch cafeteria as well. (Not to long after I’d started, they sent off huge fireworks INSIDE the lunch cafeteria… Great idea.)

Now, I want to point that not all kids are like this. This second run at his school I’ve only worked here since December, and there’s some seriously awesome kids here as well from all over the world with various ethnicity and it’s just really cool to work here. I learn something everyday, even if I do have to work my ass off. :-) I like it though.

Family wise, well… I have a little brother that I adore who has two kids who lives with him every other week since he is divorced. Ugly story there… He is a great father and I love him and admire him greatly.

I live with peting73 since 2004. Not married, but engaged and I he really is the love of my life. We have a daughter together, Alexandra. She’s 3½ years now and has a really Really REALLY strong will! *lol* I suffer from Endometriosis, so having a kid was not that easy. Had to go through IVF three times before Alexandra decided to join us. :-) Third time the charm! I am so so so grateful to have her in my life, even though I complain and swear over the crazy she pulls sometimes… Motherhood? ;-)

My mother is crazy and blunt and very caring and really has no filter what so ever. And I love her dearly. If anyone wonder why I’m so insanely blunt and honest and without a filter, I point to her, because yeah. That’s the reason. X-D I love her to death and am so grateful for the tough love upbring I got from her and my father. :-)

My father died 2003 from probable heart failure or lung failure. He was only 47 years old when he died. And had just had surgery to fix up his hips that was all worn out and giving him pain 24/7. Packing up to go home, he fell down dead. It happened within seconds, and no one could do anything about it. I miss him dearly, of course. But it’s not that crazy grief anymore. Just a dull loss, you know? Death is a part of life to, as my grandfather put it when I was little. As an adult I definitely get that.

OK so now when we got through all that… Fandoms? Oh lord… I could make a list. X-D

When I was just 13-15 years old I discovered Robin of Sherwood together with my best friend, and man… WE WERE HOOKED! This was before fandoms and computers and internet, but still we wrote fanfic (MARY SUE!!!) and did fanart wearing out the VHS tapes we had the series on. These days we’ve gifted the series to each other on DVD. :-)

At about the same time we discovered Elfquest, and I am still hooked to that comic to this day. No words. I really have no words… :-) Even sporting two tattoos inspired from said comic. :-)

Then I spent a year in the USA working as an aupair in an awesome family, which I sadly lost contact with. And that family were all fans of the same tv-show… Xena: The WarriorPrincess. :-D To say it rubbed off was an understatement. And at this point the internet existed and I discovered the wonderful world of fandoms. And fanfic. And fanart. I didn’t read regular slash back then, but exclusively femme slash. :-) Xena/Gabrielle ALL THE WAY!!!

Getting back ot Sweden, unemployment and then university… I re-discovered Buffy the Vampire Slayer, who I’d seen before but not paid much attention to. As a bored university student, I did. And discovered the HUGE fandom online (and LJ!). I was hooked. :-D Spike in any constellation is my yam in this fandom, preferably in a darkfic. ;-)

At the point where the third movie ended up on the big screen, I ended up in another fandom… Pirates of the Caribbean. It had such a vibrant lovely fandom with so many skilled cosplayers, I can’t even being… It’s still active although not so much on LJ anymore, sadly. I LOVE the three first movies still, hate the fourth, and is carefully optemistic about the fifth. My OT3 in this fandom is Will/Elisabeth/Jack, obviously. How can it not? ;-)

Then, by chance in a RL friends LJ, I stumbled upon an a picture of a young, very young, guitarist. Asking who it was I found out it was the guitarist of the band Tokio Hotel. No idea who this band was, I started to dig around online about them. And I was doomed. Now, I’d never been involved in any fandom that involved real people slash, but well… I am now. This is my main fandom right now, the one I am mostly active in. Reading fanfic, looking at fanart, discussing the band, listening to music... I run three communities for the fandom currently (check the links), but who knows it that will be more? Since those Tokio Hotel fans who leaves LJ seems to dump communities on me… I don’t mind, I just find it a bit funny. :-) Favorite members of the band is Gustav Schäfer, the drummer and Georg Listing, the bassist.

Lastly I was a little bit involved in the Sons of Anarchy fandom, but not that hugely. I do so very much love reading a well written fanfic in the fandom though, since they all tend to the darker side, not so surprising. Can you write a slash fic about a criminal biker-gang? Why, yes… Yes you can. :-) My favorite characters are Chibs and Juice. :-)

So when not hanging out with my family I am involved in a long running vampire LARP here in the city and has been since 2001. That LARP is older than that though. I’m also going to a postapocalyptic Fallout LARP every summer. I love doing roleplaying as well, with pen-paper-dice and online. LARP and roleplaying games are really my main hobbies. Keeps me young to since mostly my LARP-friends are way younger than me. :-)

Just don’t come talking sparkling vampires with me. I hate Hate HATE Twilight and it’s fanfic 50 Shades of Grey with a BURNING PASSION!!!! So if you enjoy the same, please don’t talk about them with me… I even tell kids I work with not to read them. I hate them that much...

And I… think that’s it. Props to you if you got through all that. Told you I was wordy! X-D

If you got any questions, I’ll be happy to answer. :-) I really am an open book.

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

brother, movies, peting, life, school, dad, fanvids, elfquest, sons of anarchy, fanfic, music, buffy/angelverse, robin hood, kid, friends, work, pirates of the caribbean, love, xenaverse, vampire-larp, lj-crazyness, job, mom, tokio hotel, rpgs, twilight, fanart, comics, health, tattoos, roleplaying (pen-paper style), mother, other larp, books, family

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