Roleplaying and LARP... and Sketchavember drabble!

Nov 08, 2011 00:45

Been home all day. Well, almost. I had to run a few errands, but there you go. And I've been roleplaying! :-D Wohoo! My RP-partner who has been on a month long trip has finally returned so we have picked up one off our two roleplaying games here on LJ. Feels AWESOME to pick that up again. So much fun! Re-reading what we have written, it is quite ( Read more... )

my fanfics, music, vampire-larp, my writing, drabble call, tokio hotel, sketchavember, rpgs

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Comments 16

lilliephoenix November 8 2011, 00:27:50 UTC
after the initial flailing, all i can really think to say is, i love you! thank you.


kseenaa November 8 2011, 23:57:13 UTC
*lol* :-D I am glad I got you flailing! Even with a drabble I wasn't totally happy with. :-P


omgcaffeine November 8 2011, 01:52:16 UTC
<3 so much love. Gustav and Tom = Love.


kseenaa November 8 2011, 23:58:20 UTC
That they are, that they are... :-) I blame steinsgrrl for this one. Just to bad I didn't meet her prompt properly. :-P Glad you liked it though, my friend.


zeph317toho November 8 2011, 01:56:32 UTC
Oh, I loved this drabble! Totally agree with you that no wrapping paper would stand in the twins' way. Gustav is adorable and so sneaky! ;) This was really cute! <3


kseenaa November 8 2011, 23:59:11 UTC
Ha ha ha! :-D Yeah, I can just imagine them throwing paper all over the floor as soon as they get gifts... Really happy to hear you like it. :-)


steinsgrrl November 8 2011, 05:46:12 UTC
Awwww! I loved your drabble! <3


kseenaa November 9 2011, 00:00:21 UTC
:-D YAY! So happy you liked it! And sorry I didn't meet your prompt properly. :-P I did try, but my drabble-muse wasn't really wiling. :-P Hope the extreme sweetness didn't give you diabetes. ;-)


aatln November 8 2011, 07:15:53 UTC
I drooled over your drabble :) I love this pairing almost as much as I love the G's ... now I must go and dream about what happens next in this story. Gee, I can't think of a single thing!!! ahahhaahaha


kseenaa November 9 2011, 00:01:48 UTC
I bet you can't, naughty woman! X-D It is not that I can't write smut. I can. And well, or so I am told. But it has to fit the drabble/story after all, and this worked best with leaving it open. :-) Really glad to hear you enjoyed it! :-D


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