A day in my life-post: Busy day with Doc appointment and piercings...

Feb 13, 2010 22:12

56 photos in total. This is my yesterday, 12th of February. Enjoy or skip. :-)
A small warning for close up off piercing. ;-)

(All photos are clickable if you want to see them bigger.)

... or how to pierce a librarian... )

twitter, livejournal, work, piercings, peting, life, plurk, cats, books, lowcarbhighfat

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Comments 11

misswitch February 14 2010, 01:32:14 UTC
Look how cute you are! You've lost quite a bit of weight on the low carb diet, haven't you?


kseenaa February 14 2010, 12:48:47 UTC
Well, yeah I have. :-) I used to weigh about 111 kilos (244 lbs) to 92 kilos (202 lbs). And I am still losing weight, even though it is a bit slower now. My goal is to get down to around 80-85 kilos kinda... (176 - 187 lbs) I am in no hurry though. :-) I'll get there when I get there. :-)


moonjaguar February 14 2010, 04:56:12 UTC
Wow, that's one good-looking lip piercing, it doesn't look brand new and you're not holding your lip funny or trying not to move it. I've seen people bleed like pigs or end up with lips the size of tractor tires, yours doesn't look very swollen. I'm having a hard time finding a piercing recommendation, so far it's either my nephew's piercer in Milwaukee or go to Sweden to get my ears redone. Wanna see my tummy piercings? lol.

Let's Dance allowing an hour for voting, more TV shows should do that. Dancing with the Stars gives numbers to call or URLS for voting but they only do that for a couple minutes at a time, until the end of the show so maybe each couple gets about five minutes total voting time.


kseenaa February 14 2010, 12:54:50 UTC
Dancing with Stars is the same show, only the swedish version, I believe. :-) And yeah, we get phone-numbers to call or send SMS to as well. So, you get the time during the show and then during the break.

And the piercing got a bit more swollen yesterday and it still is today (not huge like a tire, though... *grin*). But it is not in much pain and i am not bleeding. I think it is because I take care off it very carefully. I wash it with common salt solution three times a day and I only drink water (as I always do), so I think that helps keeping it clean and nice. :-) I doubt I'll have any problems having it heal properly. :-)


ruchirahni February 15 2010, 01:23:46 UTC
nice piercing!! your library is GORGEOUS... im assuming that since you didn't mention anything adverse happening at the doctor everything went well there. im so glad! :) i love your picture posts


ruchirahni February 15 2010, 01:24:32 UTC
ps you have a twitter?? we should be friends! i neglect it, but im rochitoochi.


kseenaa February 15 2010, 07:53:43 UTC
Yeah, I have a Twitter. ;-) I am called KSeenaa there to. I have a Plurk as well, I am called KSeenaa there to. ;-) Your free to friend if you want. I'll be sure to stalking you! Count on it!

And thanx! It'll take a month before the piercings are fully healed though. (Perhaps more.) When it is, I'll put a ring in my lip. That is my goal. :-) I think it is crazy sexy with a ring in your lip. No idea why, but I do. *grin*

Glad you enjoy my photo-posts. There might be more.... ;-)


ruchirahni February 15 2010, 12:47:19 UTC
alright, im officially following you! your piercings don't close if you don't put anything in them?


chigrima February 15 2010, 10:30:46 UTC
Congratulations! ^_^

And that's a very nice library, too. <3 Though I do hope they get that bigger office...


kseenaa February 15 2010, 18:09:30 UTC
Oh, it really is. :-) It is quite awesome, as are the librarians I work with. But the office is a joke, really. :-P I do hope they'll get a rebuild approved. :-)


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