A day in my life-post: Busy day with Doc appointment and piercings...

Feb 13, 2010 22:12

56 photos in total. This is my yesterday, 12th of February. Enjoy or skip. :-)
A small warning for close up off piercing. ;-)

(All photos are clickable if you want to see them bigger.)

Ugh... Mornings. Do not like. At least I didn't have to get up at 5:30 this day. :-P

First order off business, of course.

So not a morning person, as you can see... :-P

Things have improved a bit after cleaning up, going through the hair with a brush and putting on some makeup. :-)

Time for breakfast! I eat LowCarbHighFat food, so no bread... This? This will be an omelett. Chess, eggs, tomatoes and bacon.

Omelet getting ready in the pan. And while it does that...

... I'll take care off all them dishes...

There! Breakfast for champions! This is what I have for breakfast each morning. An omelett and a big glass off water.

While eating I check my Twitter...

... and my Plurk...

... and, of course, Livejournal answering comments from the night before. LJ = My biggest addiction.

Time to get ready to go. First, to check how cold it is outside... -5,8 degrees Celsius (21.5 degrees Fahrenheit). COLD!

When it is cold outside, you need lots off clothes... My lovely big woolen coat, my hat made by Spicehobbit and my mittens that I made myself. :-D And off course, my scarf with skulls on it. ;-)

Waiting for the bus... Snow and ice, snow and ice... So tired off it.

Haven't gone by buss for a long time, since I usually walk to work. Forgotten how boring it is. :-P

Finally arrived at the big hospital for my Doctors appointment.

In the waiting room watching MTV. Had to wait quite a long time actually. Seemed the nurses had one off those days... *smirk*

The appointment went very well. Just proved what I already knew. Endometriosis is one evil womanly illness... :-P

Leaving the hospital through the main entrance. Huge.

Again with the buses. :-P Having taken one bus down the main bus-station. Now waiting for the next to take me to work.

Arriving at my trainee work. I am unemployed, but have gotten a trainee position at two libraries, this being the bigger one. It is both a school-library and a public library. The other library I work at, the smaller one, is only a school-library. :-)

The interior off the library. This is where all the non-fiction literature is.

And this is where all the fiction is.

See where the comics is? Under the boxes with the picture-books are... *sigh* In the kids-section. Not amused. :-P

The room for the smallest kids filled with picture-books.

The desk where you go to borrow your books. More or less always a mess. ;-) For once, not so much. :-D

The office off the librarians that work here. VERY tiny. Three desks, and there are four librarians working there. :-P There are plans to build a new office for them, and change the library a bit.

Lunch! Yes, I read the last book off Twilight. Yes, I hate them books with a passion. I just wanted to read them, so I would know what they were all about. It felt silly to dislike something I didn't know anything about. Now when I read them, I gone from mild dislike to full out hate. :-P
(If you like Twilight, that is fine. Just don't try talk me into liking them. You will fail.)

After lunch, a pile off books to register in the katalog and to mark and wrap in protective plastic.

Short day on Fridays, woot! More bus-rides... This time to for something a bit more fun then Doctors appointments... :-P

Was supposed to see the time on that sign there, but fail. Again downtown at the main bus-station.

Snow and ice, snow and ice... So sick and tired off it. Walking up the street to the Pistolero Tattoo & Piercing.

Entrance to Pistolero Tattoo & Piercing.

Been thinking about getting a lip-piercing for about a year or so. Today, was the big day! And while I was at it, I got yet another piercing in my ear. ;-)

Again with the bus-ride. *laugh* This time going home. Talking to Spicehobbit on the way, squeeing about my new piercings!

Peting73 taking a photo off me in the hallway. Not your run off the mills librarian, no... *cough*

Closeup off my lip-piercing. You can see the new piercing in my ear to. It is a bit bloody, even. :-P

Dinner-time! Peting73 is an excellent cook and is making dinner almost every day.

While Peting73 is preparing dinner, I talk to my cats. This being Skuld...

... and this Verdandi.. They both look a bit skeptical to the camera, I think. :-)

Peting73 don't like cameras either! While the dinner is getting ready, he is watching TV...

... and I am playing around on my computer...

Forgot to take a photo off our dinner. Fail! Anyway, since Peting73 is always making dinner, my job is to fix the dishes. No problem, says I!

After dinner, we go down geek-town.. *laugh* Peting73 is watching WWE Wrestling.

I am reading up on my LJ.

And when he got tired off wrestling for a while, Peting73 plays World of Warcraft.

But that didn't last long. Back to wrestling! This time TNA Wrestling.

Taking a break from LJ and watching my favorite TV-show, Lets Dance!. And while doing that, I get all the ironing done. :-)

One hour break within the show (so you can call in voting on your favorite...), and in the mean-time I am, again, reading up on my LJ. Told you I was addicted.

Chatting with Flutterings AND commenting on her LJ. At the same time. *laugh*

Break over. Now lets see how will leave the show this time. Gladly it was one off the dancers I didn't like. ;-) My favorites are still in the show.

Preparations before bed-time. Boiling water and sea-salt together to create a common salt solution.

Brushing my teeth and washing off my makeup.

Using the common salt solution to wash off my piercings. Not much blood, mostly on the ear. The lip-piercing didn't bleed one bit. I had/have turned blue (like a bruise) on the inside off my lip though. And it is swollen. :-P That will get better, and it will have healed fully after a month.

All my ear-piercings on my left ear. It is the top one that is new. :-)

After all that washing, me being very sleepy. :-P Night, night!

(This is crossposted to adayinmylife, although it might take a bit until my post there is approved. :-) )

twitter, livejournal, work, piercings, peting, life, plurk, cats, books, lowcarbhighfat

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