Oh man, like the title says, i am so tired it is not even funny. I did end up doing the dance contest.. we beat the pants off of the sophmores.Although we did only get 3rd :) it made me so happy
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yesterday someone called me and it made my day. it was so nice. Although i had to go after like 5 minutes because my mom made me get off of the phone. :( how sad
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today was so much fun! i went to gunstock and i met up with Gwen crafts. we had a great time getting onto the slow (ahem) chair lift. and we rocked! i was boardin so well today
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eeeeeeeekk i cant say what im eeeking about but all i can say is that i talked to someone while i was talking to someone else and it was the same as last time i was talking to that someone and the first someone imed me, lol
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Ok so i have taken 3 out of 7 of my exams. THey have all gone pretty well. i wasn't looking forward to my science one... cuz in a nutshell, i hate my teacher. well now im gunna go to practiice later then study for geo which i dont have until wednesday. well i gtg now. Thats it.