Nerd night

Nov 25, 2015 10:13

I went out to a boardgames meetup for the first time last night.  It was really good.   It was a big group, but I only really got to meet the 3 other people I was in a game with.  That's enough for me though, with my inability to remember people's names.  3 at a time I can manage.  We played Pandemic for our long game (and we managed to beat the ( Read more... )

nerd stuff, games, boardgames

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Comments 4

derien November 25 2015, 14:32:44 UTC
We've bought quite a few games which we never have enough people around to play. But it's nice to think we might have, some day. In fact, I do know people who host board game nights among their friends, though none of them are here. We might have to consider that possibility.


kryptyd November 25 2015, 20:24:06 UTC
Heeeey, that's a good idea. Before I finally went to that Meetup I was messing around with the idea of trying to set up a meet in the local pub. But having people I already know over at my place would probably be nicer. The only problem is as host, I'd have to really know the rules of whatever we were playing! I don't know the rules inside-out of any game. At least with board games there ARE concrete rules though. I'd feel more confident with learning those as host than hosting something with more of a roleplaying slant because I suspect that sort of thing takes a bit of acting ability, which I don't have.

It's something to think about though. I have nothing to do this Saturday. If only I had board game night organised.


derien November 26 2015, 10:46:33 UTC
As host, though, it's your job to put everyone at ease, and if you can say "Oh, don't worry, you're not the only one who doesn't know how to play this. We'll be learning together. :)" that might actually be helpful. And you may have among your friends someone who's been a DM and will happily take on that role. Host probably should not be DM, I think, because you need to be thinking about the chips bowl and such.


kryptyd November 27 2015, 14:25:41 UTC
Yes, you are so right.

I don't know how much longer I'm going to be in this town though. This could be a plan for Ireland. I'll be in a new town, so it could be a good way to make friends.


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