Nerd night

Nov 25, 2015 10:13

I went out to a boardgames meetup for the first time last night.  It was really good.   It was a big group, but I only really got to meet the 3 other people I was in a game with.  That's enough for me though, with my inability to remember people's names.  3 at a time I can manage.  We played Pandemic for our long game (and we managed to beat the game and save the world) and played a couple of short games of Codenames before we finished up.

The guy in our group was the absolute image of Ed Milliband.  My sister and boyfriend both said the same thing when I told them that: "maybe it was him".  Haha.

It was good to get out.  I nearly sabotaged myself with excuses - I have a cold, it's too far away, a weird guy followed my mate home around here when she was walking alone the other night, I'd rather just hang out at home - but in the end I made myself go and I'm glad I did.   Mickey still does everything he used to do before we had a baby.  In fact he goes boxing even more.  And I genuinely don't mind that and I'm glad he does.  But I could imagine that I might become resentful  if I didn't make sure to keep up a social life of my own.

Codenames is really cool.  I think even non-gamer people would like playing it.  I might buy it, but I suppose it's going to be rare enough occasions when we have 4 people to play it.  According to the box you can play it with just two players, but after playing it myself,  I can't imagine how that would work.  4 was a good number for that game.

Did I mention I have a horrible cold?  Bleeeehhhh snoooootttt sniffffff.

nerd stuff, games, boardgames

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