
Oct 14, 2015 20:43

Hey lads, does anyone have any opinions on this.  I am vaguely , sort of, half considering becoming a franchisee in this thing when I get back to Ireland.  I would love teaching kids' art classes and hosting a few crafty parties as a job.  The question of course is whether I could make decent money at it.  I can't afford to do this if it's a little ( Read more... )

moving home to ireland, job, the future

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Comments 5

derien October 15 2015, 01:50:17 UTC
You're really going back! :) Maybe your parents will be happy just to have you nearer. Yeah, okay, I'm not banking on that, given you know them much better than I do and you don't seem to think so, but sometimes it's worth taking a positive idea in your head going in to a situation, and at least act surprised if it doesn't seem to pan out the way you're pretending to expect.


kryptyd October 15 2015, 07:49:39 UTC
Well, they SHOULD do, if logic prevails! We'll end up seeing them every few weeks, rather than once or twice a year, once we move back. To be honest, even if we weren't planning on going to M's hometown, I wouldn't go back to mine anyhow. I don't want to join my parent's social scene and since very few of my own friends live there anymore that is what they would be expecting to happen. And that's not a very baby-friendly existence.

Did you see my photo of Douglas Adams's gravestone?


derien October 15 2015, 22:32:50 UTC
I did NOT see the photo of Douglas Adams gravestone. What the heck have I been doing? I'll go see what else I've missed!


derien October 15 2015, 22:55:30 UTC
Holy shucks, I've missed a month's worth of posts. What, seriously what HAVE I been up to? Not keeping connected, that's for sure. Hunkering down season has been happening, here, and I probably should post about that. But FaceBook is responsible for much of my distraction. Evil pit.

In the meantime, you've been doing cool stuff! Going to Adams and Marx's graves! Seeing that giant David! (I, also, thought it was only maybe a little bigger than lifesized. I wonder why? Maybe everyone takes pics of it from a high angle?) Making plans to go back to Ireland! Jeezum crow.


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