(no subject)

Oct 14, 2015 20:43

Hey lads, does anyone have any opinions on this.  I am vaguely , sort of, half considering becoming a franchisee in this thing when I get back to Ireland.  I would love teaching kids' art classes and hosting a few crafty parties as a job.  The question of course is whether I could make decent money at it.  I can't afford to do this if it's a little hobby for women with rich husbands (sorry if that sounds a bit sneery, but I received their information pack in the post a few days ago, and even though I really like the look and sound of the company, there is a slight of hint of "hobby that you can make a bit of  pocket money at" about it and I need a real job).  I had a chat with someone from the company on the phone today and she assured me that it was a real job, and that people who put in hard work can make a good living at it.

I forgot to ask her who gets sued if a kid sticks a paint brush in their own or another kid's eye...

Anyway, this is probably pie in the sky stuff. I've never had any inclination to be my own boss before. I like leaving work at work and having all the running of the business stuff be someone else's pain the arse. But I wonder if that perception of myself needs updating.  Perhaps I would like running a simple business.  And it could be good for the buck to end with me in these uncertain times of no job security.

Another problem is the car thing.  We have no car at the moment.  We'll definitely need one when we go back to Ireland, but we were only planning on getting one.  So if I have a car the running of that will need to be subtracted from whatever I made doing the art thing (whereas most people doing that job would presumably have their own car anyway and would not necessarily regard it as an extra expense).

The next problem - and this is a pretty massive one - is that someone from the company already has the territory of the town I'm planning to move to.   That's how I found out about this company; I was looking at art venues there that I could potentially rent to teach classes in.  But they assure me that there are other territories nearby that I could work in.

Next step is I'm going to their "discovery day" in a few weeks where I'll take part in a class and get to hear a lot more about what it's like to run a franchise.  I figure it will be a nice day out even if I decide this is not for me.  What I'm feeling at the moment is that although this all seems lovely and exciting, I think the odds are slightly stacked against me making it work in the short term.   But we'll see.

Speaking of "short term", we're thinking we might be going back to Ireland as soon as March! So I need to figure out how to extricate mysef from my current job and hopefully get away with having to pay them back my maternity pay!  If I have to pay it, I'll offer them a fiver a month.   But I'd say I'll wriggle out of it.

We spoke to M's parents about staying at their place while we find our feet and they were delighted with the idea.

So it's all go.  We'll be going back to Ireland really soon.

The only thing left to figure out is what we're both going to do for a living and how I'm going to tell my parents we're planning on moving to M's hometown and not mine without being branded a big traitor! 

moving home to ireland, job, the future

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