Hey all,
While putzing around on my cable DVR I found that Krypto has returned to Boomerang and Cartoon Network. 9:30 AM for Boomerang and 1:00 PM for Cartoon Network.
Thought people would like to know.
EDIT: Forgot to also mention there's a new tvtropes page for Krypto.
octavius_rodens wrote in
Aug 17, 2007 14:16
Sorry if this is against group charter, but I thought people might be interested to know that if you like Krypto in his comic incarnation, you should pick up this week's Action Comics #854.
octavius_rodens wrote in
Dec 05, 2006 15:54
I was doing some random searching and I found that it looks like we're getting some new episodes coming up on Cartoon Network
Read more... )
octavius_rodens wrote in
Sep 24, 2006 21:20
How is that possible? I don't think there's anything anyone can learn from this show. More to the point, some of the information in the show is just plain *wrong*. ("Furry Fish"! I'm looking at you!)
I like Krypto, but an E/I show? Nope. Not seeing it.