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Comments 55

kriadydragon January 8 2011, 04:19:06 UTC
That was terrific! So powerful and emotional. My first assumption was that Sheppard's condition was due to Ten making a botched attempt at repairing, so I totally didn't what Ten was really doing coming, and it was quite the surprise. And when John really started to deteriorate, even admitted he was afraid, that nearly brought me to tears.

To say well done is an understatement. This was brilliant :D


kristen999 January 10 2011, 16:12:37 UTC
Thank you. This was one of those cases where what I had in my head was very difficult to translate to words on to paper so to speak. Once I realized Rodney and Ten were going to be a bigger part of the story, than my muse relaxed and I went with it.


dernhelm62 January 8 2011, 05:31:06 UTC
Brilliant. This was truly heartbreaking. Stealing John away a little at time. The team angst was my favorite part. Your attention to details never ceases to amaze me. The medical detail alone is mind boggling. It is not only the the scientific details that are so well done, it is also the characters. You know the team so well and they come alive and create such a clear picture for the reader. The character development doesn't stop with the team because I even felt sorry for Ten and he almost killed Sheppard! This piece is definitely powerful, a roller coaster of emotions and it was AWESOME! You have outdone yourself this time! Thank you so much for sharing your talent!


kristen999 January 10 2011, 16:16:55 UTC
Thank you! It was a very heavy science and medical story and it was a struggle to ensure it didn't drag the story down or confuse the reader as it was important for the reader to understand most of it. I loved writing Ten, he was a sweet OC who wasn't aware what he was doing was wrong.


valleya January 8 2011, 08:29:46 UTC
Thanks so much for this gem. It was riveting from beginning to end. A complex, emotional, and revealing story. Well done!


kristen999 January 10 2011, 16:17:19 UTC
Thank you! It was a complex story to write and I'm glad you enjoyed it.


sherry57 January 8 2011, 09:04:32 UTC
Was this story worth wating for...ohhh yes! Was it a wonderful kristen story....ohhh yes!

Emotion, humour, whump, team, caring....you got it all in there hon. You managed to make me angry at a robot, feel sorry for a robot, want to shake a robot...feeling emotion at a robot, what amazing writing.

Poor Sheppard disappearing in front of the others, the frustration, the worry,the determination to help Sheppard. And Sheppard seeming vulnerable...even the nurse who starts to comfort him like a little boy then corrects herself to call him 'Colonel'. I love Sheppard appearing human despite his enormous strength.

And I could hear all the characters voices as they spoke.

So many thoughts about this story...I need to read it over again to see more of the wonderful things you've put in there. What a hardship!!!

Loved it to bits hon..thanks so much for a great read...runs off to read it again!


kristen999 January 10 2011, 16:22:19 UTC
Thank you hon. I'm thrilled you felt such things for Ten, because he really was a complex character to write, an android who wasn't aware of what he was doing was harmful and struggling with the consequences he has never encountered before. Writing Sheppard's deterioration was tough and I'm glad he was able to communicate his fear despite his bravery. Tough for a heroic arc-type.


sholio January 8 2011, 11:03:52 UTC
*wobbles* Too sleepy to review properly ... but I couldn't stop reading until it was done! What a marveous, twisty roller coaster ride of a plot. You kept me guessing the whole way -- I was actually completely wrong for most of the story (I'd thought that Ten had once been human and had had done to him whatever was being done to Sheppard) so the final twist was as much of a surprise to me as it was to everybody in the story. Sheppard's voice and mannerisms being reflected in the android was wonderfully creepy, and I love how ultimately, it became human enough to sacrifice itself.

This was a wonderful story, and I absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for writing it for me!


kristen999 January 10 2011, 16:26:09 UTC
I smiled knowing I kept you up past your bedtime. I loved the prompt because it forced me outside the box and I wanted this plot heavy, twisty non-adventure. When I first outlined this story I was going to write aspects from Ten's viewpoint, but then it would take away the surprise, so I scrapped it, allowed the mystery to build.

I'm thrilled you enjoyed this, it was fun to write a strong Rodney voice and juggle both the emotional components, the team love. *Does a happy dance*


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