I dumped a bunch of recent pics from the camera to the computer again today, so it's picspam time! Mostly Pätsu being evil, and then some snow from my way to work this morning.
Fortunately Pätsu hasn't figured out how to open windows! And we have locking thingies for the windows to keep them a bit open - just enough for a cat not to fit through.
I'm not even sure what the thing with the snow is. Some sort of grille over some plants in a bus stop. But it looked pretty!
The only door Pätsu can't open is the kitchen door, which is very fortunate as we can keep them in the kitchen for the night. It's not that she doesn't know how - it's just too heavy / doesn't open easily.
Comments 15
Ooh snow! Patterns in the snow, too. A roof and steps?
I'm not even sure what the thing with the snow is. Some sort of grille over some plants in a bus stop. But it looked pretty!
(The comment has been removed)
Horrid little beasts.
Snow? It's pretty from here.
It's pretty from here.
Hee. It's pretty from here too!
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