[fic] as luck would have it 1/? (wip)

May 24, 2012 01:01

Wow~ it's been *way* too long since I've been on LJ, at least in terms of posting something on my own journal.

Anyway, I've decided this has been sitting on my hard-drive for way too long and must be written out. Because four years is a ridiculously long time.

Back story on this fic, yes, it's DBSK-fandom, and yes it's JaeMin. We'll get that out in ( Read more... )

jaemin, writing, kpop, back from the dead, dbsk, as luck would have it, illcomeupwithbettertagswhenthetimecomes

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Comments 36

waterpulse May 24 2012, 08:22:45 UTC
Oh dammit right when I'm about to go to bed too. DX

Longer comment tmrw. BUT I LIEK. AND I WANT MAOR. PLZ. :D

... )


kratynoi May 24 2012, 19:06:14 UTC
*tackes Min gif*

Lmao~~ was hoping to sneak-post it on and no one would see it. ;)

Only one little extra part from what you've read already~~ the only other part is just half written and I don't even know if I'm going to use it or not...this will be a long and slow process.


waterpulse May 24 2012, 19:59:19 UTC
Lol gurl the only thing I check more obsessively than Tumblr is Livejournal. Even if I never update. XD

Ooh okay so I don't have much to say on the story itself because there's not much of one (yet?). The best bits are the descriptions and the imagery, and you've given Jaejoong a definite voice (although it's up to you to continue to build). Do go on~~ 8DDD

... )


kratynoi May 25 2012, 07:47:29 UTC
Haha~~ yay for my descriptions working! Hopefully I can continue along this vein of writing. XD

Heeee~~~~ JaeMin gif~!! *squishes*
Sad at all the gifs I can't use on Tumblr 'cause they're too big...at least we have LJ~~


feyla May 24 2012, 13:59:14 UTC
Having left you to drown indeed. Thanks Korea. XDD

It definitely reminds me of Korea~ bar hopping, classes, meeting new people (And if those two happen to be JaeMin, well that's not a problem. Although you do know who I'm most partial to~ ;) )


kratynoi May 24 2012, 19:08:19 UTC
Lmao~~ DOES THAT NOT REMIND YOU OF THE FIRST DAY WE MET?! (I totally felt like a drowned rat). Had to keep reminding myself, "Okay~ I promised Ashley I would meet her. I can't call her. And it's JUNSU!" XDDDD

(Have we ever talked about the pairings you're partial too? I just always assumed it to be YunJae, but I don't know if we've ever discussed.)


feyla May 25 2012, 15:16:27 UTC
Yes! I can never forget the day we met. Pouring. We were so wet that day. And you were even more wet since you had to walk from the subway.

We have not discussed??? But yes. It's definitely Yunjae. Add a Su or Min in there occasionally and that's okay too. ;) And Yoomin. Ashley got me started on that one.


kratynoi May 26 2012, 02:53:10 UTC
Worst decision EVERRRR. Should have just taken a cab.

Hahaha~~~ no I don't think we have. YooMin~!!! They're such a cracky-trolling pair, irl. *sigh* You miss out~ I don't make lots of YunJae edits or fics.

Add a Su or Min in there occasionally and that's okay too sooo....like...threesome? XDDDD


dreaming_col May 26 2012, 04:44:00 UTC
Ooooh, very cool. Can't wait for more to see what else you have planned for our favorite pair. ^_^


kratynoi May 26 2012, 04:48:19 UTC
Lol~ XD we'll see how this goes. XDDD I have "scenes" I want to write...just not yet sure how I'll write them...and then I don't know how it's going to end yet...so yeah...hence why it's taken so long. u_u


dreaming_col May 26 2012, 04:51:26 UTC
Ahhh, that's okay. Just start writing and see where it goes. That's what I tend to do when I'm stuck. What I write doesn't always necessarily make the cut, but it does help getting past the block. ^^


kratynoi May 26 2012, 04:58:32 UTC
Yeahhh~ hopefully. XDD I have lots of ideas swirling around for other stuff and it tends to be snippets all around for different things, never just one thing. u_u

You should check my Tumblr for the gif-drabble sets I've done. XDDDD I seem to get inspiration from the dual combo. I forewarn you, most if not all kinda fail on some level XDDDDD


whatifgirl86 June 23 2012, 07:42:42 UTC
I feel like a stalker now>.<

This was great. Definitely like how you portrayed the characters. I can't believe that they left only cause they were bored and hungry, that was just not his day.

Really hope that you continue this and btw I like the poster^_^


kratynoi June 23 2012, 07:49:54 UTC
Lol~~~ *blushes*
I feel honored that you'd want to stalk my fics XDDDD (to be honest, I have my OLD OLD OOOOOLD fics in another journal, I've only just recently been uploading them onto here b/c I'm too lazy to go between two accounts) This is my personal journal that I use more often and I don't have a very good tagging system or anything for my fics at all. XD

I am very much so planning on continuing this~ it's just taking a little bit longer than I'd hoped. ^^; But thank you for reading and for leaving me such nice comments. :D


(The comment has been removed)

kratynoi June 23 2012, 18:08:37 UTC
Awww~ yes yes, they will for sure have a happy ending. I am in the process of writing the next section for it. It just hasn't been flowing as well as the first part many years ago. So I'm trying to get back into that voice again to make it continuous.

Thank you for commenting!!! *hugs*


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