[fic] as luck would have it 1/? (wip)

May 24, 2012 01:01

Wow~ it's been *way* too long since I've been on LJ, at least in terms of posting something on my own journal.

Anyway, I've decided this has been sitting on my hard-drive for way too long and must be written out. Because four years is a ridiculously long time.

Back story on this fic, yes, it's DBSK-fandom, and yes it's JaeMin. We'll get that out in the open now. XDDD It was inspired, a lot, by happenings to me (or friends) while in Korea, studying abroad. And have been trying to write it for the longest time but could never get it finished. So I'm hoping by posting it and having it here, it will make me think about it (or possibly gain some inspiration from others) to complete it. (so it's also fairly unedited and for sure, unbeta-ed)

Anyway~ onto the fic!!

Title: as luck would have it 1/?
Pairing: Jaejoong/Changmin AU; JaeMin (other pairings possible as well, surprise pairing for my queen JJ)
Length: Chaptered/ WIP
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You meet him out on a night of bar hopping. It’s your third bar. A friend of a friend introduces you two and you end up sitting next to each other.

You’d like to say the conversation between you two flows just as freely and as smoothly as the soju being poured all around, but in reality, it was halting and awkward, or so you felt. Most of the time you were both occupied with your respective friends.

From the scattered conversations you both have you know he’s a year younger than you and studying in the field of international relations (for reasons still unknown to even him…except that he enjoys the subject and figures that it’s broad enough to apply to many things). He enjoys singing and going to karaoke bars with friends (you think that if he had a girlfriend, he’d enjoy taking her singing as well, but from what you can tell, he’s not taken).

From observing him between conversations… when you know he’s not looking, you notice he’s taller than you (by an annoying few inches), has short brown hair that curled softly at the tips, two pierced ears, and he’s not much of a drinker, (even though his friends are) taking only a few shots, preferring to converse than to drink.

You reach home by 4 in the morning and it’s 4:44 (make a wish) before you finally nod off to sleep.


You meet him again (what are the odds) on the third day of classes. He’s just transferred into Business Ethics; a required class for your major.

You turn questioningly towards him when he takes a hurried seat next to you two minutes after the bell rings (does he remember me?).

He glances at you oddly for a bit, as though trying to remember something (or it could be the fact that you were gapping like a fish), but a few seconds later, recognition lights a lopsided grin across his face.

We met at the bar, right? I’m Changmin.

I remember. Jaejoong. Why are you in this class? I thought you were in a different major.

And awkward laugh leaves him. It fulfills an upper-division requirement for it actually…and it was the only class open. Lucky me, huh?

Lucky indeed, you can’t help think, but smile instead.


Luck is definitely not on your side today and you vehemently curse it for having left you to drown.

Rain is pouring down around you and being the genius that you are, you decided to wear sneakers and jeans before checking the weather report, aka, looking outside your window; they were more conducive to soaking up all the water that wasn’t deflected by your useless umbrella, might as well be wearing a bathing suit.

Fifteen minutes outside and you give up trying to tip toe around puddles and leave your jeans unrolled, they were too wet to salvage anyway.

The umbrella is doing little to protect you from the rain…which is coming at you from all angles it seemed (why…why!?). You are sorely tempted to just chuck the thing, but it is still keeping you somewhat protected, and it provided great amusement when it would poke someone that was walking too slowly for your liking (hey~ it’s crowded, it’s not my fault that the umbrella strategically poked you in the head).

You are miserably cold and wet and you begin to wonder for the umpteenth time why you are out in this weather to begin with.

Ah yes, your friends invited you out to spend the day with them, since they (in their own words) haven’t “seen you in like forever” and wanted to check to make sure that you were alive still (So what if I lock myself up studying for midterms…I need to pass).

Pft, the things I do for love.

You arrive thirty minutes after the time it should have taken to get there and find your friends have left you a note on their door.

Hey~ we got bored (and hungry) waiting for you, so go meet us at the restaurant. We’ll be saving a seat for you. ^^

So much for sending out a search party, you think.

jaemin, writing, kpop, back from the dead, dbsk, as luck would have it, illcomeupwithbettertagswhenthetimecomes

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