Title: Resolution
Genre: Angst/Drama
Rating: PG-13
Summary: (part 2) Something terrible and unthinkable has happened. Kris risks his life to save Adam; will they both make it out okay? And what about Allison? Will the wounds of the fight prove stronger and deeper than any or of their cuts or bruises?
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Comments 19
I dont know what to say. Just like, dont apologize for this. I mean, your writing is fluid and intense. The plot is dramatic and terrifying but so so good.
Im not worried. Some serious physical, mental and emotional mending is gonna have to take place before things are okay. I have all the confidence that they will be okay eventually.
Gotta shake it off.
i'd totally be bawling.
One jarring thing that I had to point out to you -- you mentioned that Adam was wearing leather. Leather doesn't burn. (one link -- see google for more.) That's partly why motorcyclists wear leather pants & jackets; if they crash, and there's a fire, they won't go up in flames.
If you ever go back and rewrite it, you might want to have Adam in, say, a hoodie for night time? I'd suggest a superfabulous satin jacket, but NO ONE wears those at night :-)
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