Title: Resolution
Genre: Angst/Drama
Rating: PG-13
Summary: (part 2) Something terrible and unthinkable has happened. Kris risks his life to save Adam; will they both make it out okay? And what about Allison? Will the wounds of the fight prove stronger and deeper than any or of their cuts or bruises?
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Comments 19
No way~~~~~
Poor Kris...........I don't know what to said.
I just hope they will be happy....
Is that really hard .....
make them better *sigh*
great chapter! i'm hooked! :)
And by the way, for realism sake: In real life, don't try to peel off clothing from a burn victim if the clothing is not on fire! You might end up peeling the victim's *skin* with it! Instead wrap the victim in clean sheets, first aid blanket, anything to prevent dehydration.
more soon? :)
Thanks for all the comments.
And about burn victims - I wasn't sure Kris had any medical expertise and that's why I didn't make him do all that much about it, I tried to make him cautious. I was concerned that if I made him get too involved, he'd actually do something that in real life wouldn't help at all. Thanks for pointing that out to me - and I'm glad that Adam's not hurt too badly or Kris might've just made it worse. *sigh of relief*
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