Title: With Time - The Strain (part 11)
Pairing: Jinki/Gwiboon
Genre: Fluff/Slice of Life
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Arranged Marriage
Word count: 702
Summary: This is (hopefully) a different take on the arranged marriage au
unbetaed cuz I've already overloaded my betas with other projects and I don't want them to hate me ^^
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 Gwiboon had never seen such devastation on his face. Even on his worst days, Jinki would always have a smile and a kind word for her. Today though, his eyes were void of their usual sparkle, a foreign and painful sight for Gwiboon. He only stared at the floor with his head in his hands.
Jinki had lost his job.
Gwiboon took her place beside him, a comforting hand against his back as they sat in silence. She wished he would talk to her, share the burden with her. It seemed however, that Jinki was too lost in his concerns. He didn’t acknowledge her touch or even her presence, closing himself off to brood and suffer alone.
She hated this. She hated how he was pushing her away. It was so unlike him, it only emphasized how hurt he was by the news.
Gwiboon knew, they did not have much in the ways of savings, and as a new couple, things were already tight. She knew this news meant things were going to get even more difficult. She knew all that, but she also knew that they would be okay.
“Jinki,” she murmured.
He only grunted in response, eyes still focused on the floor.
Gwiboon sighed, carefully pulling herself up to her feet, one hand cradling her stomach and the other using Jinki’s shoulder for support. “Jinki, look at me.”
He lifted his head, finally meeting her gaze. “We will be fine. We will get by. I trust you. Now come, sit down for dinner.”
Jinki softened at her words, reaching out for her. His arms holding her sides, placing a gentle kiss to her protruding belly before turning his chin up to look at her. “I’m sorry. I feel as though I’ve let you down. It is my responsibility to support you and I’ve failed, I’ve failed you; I’ve failed our family.”
“Jinki, you have failed no one. You are a wonderful husband and provider and you will be a wonderful father too. I love you and we will get through this. Do not look at this with sadness; perhaps it is a blessing. You were so unhappy working there. I know you will find another job and I hope you will find one that makes you happy too,” Gwiboon tried to look reassuring. The worries and concerns they were now facing were real. Their savings wouldn’t last long and soon they would have another mouth to feed. Even knowing all that, Gwiboon wasn’t scared. She meant every word she had said. She trusted Jinki completely. No matter what, he would ensure she and their growing child would be cared for.
“Thank you,” Jinki breathed.
“Now, come. The food is getting cold.”
“Yes my sweet,” He replied with a quirk of a smile on his lips. It still looked thin and forced, but Gwiboon made no comment. Rather, she rolled her eyes as she usually did at his playful words, taking his hand to lead him into the kitchen.
Within a few weeks, Jinki was back on his feet. His new job was closer to their home and offered a comparable salary. More importantly, his smile was back and brighter than ever.
Just as Gwiboon had said, the whole experience turned out to be a blessing. Not just for Jinki, who was happy and content at his new job, but also for their relationship. The weeks of uncertainty and tension had only made them draw closer to each other, to rely on and trust in each other even more. Jinki had learned to open up to her, sharing his concerns and the heavy weight of responsibility he felt. In turn, Gwiboon was able to supply reassurance and support. It was a difficult time for them both, but they got through it. Their marriage stronger than ever and the love and affection they held for one another rooted itself deeper and deeper, unwavered by the weeks of stress and strain.
When his smile once again brightened the room like a field of daisies, when he kissed her like she was his air, when he whispered words of love and gratitude against her lips, she knew... every second had been worth it.
part 12 most important part of this chapter
she's preggers
cute cute cute
jinki/gwiboon babies would be cute
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i thought posting regularly and often would be a good thing but so far it just means my story is being slept on harder than usual