Jun 25, 2010 04:12

→ The Instructions

This is where you sign up for kpop_ficmix 2010. Signups close July 5, midnight GMT.

After you've read the info post, read this.

Then, make sure you qualify! This means having enough kpop fics by the time you submit your info. We will be checking them out before we give out assignments, so make sure your masterlist is up to date.

Once all that's done, you're ready to sign up! Submit your application as a comment to this entry. Your comment must be posted with either your personal or fic journal. Anonymous comments or those from sock puppet accounts with no content will be deleted. All comments are screened.

In the subject line of your comment, please indicate whether you are signing up as a remixer or as a pinch hitter only. Items marked with a * on the form are optional. Please type out the full names of your fandoms as not all of the mods are familiar with shortened names for all of the artists (ie. use 'Super Junior' instead of 'suju').

→ The Remix Signup FormName:
Fic archive:
Fandom(s) I've written for:
Fandom(s) I will write for: (up to five in order of preference)
Safe story: *
Previous remixes written:
Willing to pinch hit?: (include fandoms)

Fic archive:
Fandom(s) I've written for:
Fandom(s) I will write for: (up to five in order of preference)
Safe story: *
Previous remixes written:
Willing to pinch hit?: (include fandoms)

→ The Pinch Hit Only Signup FormName:
Fandom(s) I will write for:

Fandom(s) I will write for:

For example, my form would look something like this.

comment subject: Remix
comment body:
Name: tabris
LJ: shinigamitabris, fic @ _tabris
Email: email [at] gmail [dot] com
Fic archive: http://users.livejournal.com/_tabris/7048.html
Fandom(s) I've written for: super junior, tvxq
Fandom(s) I will write for: super junior, tvxq, big bang, trax
Safe story: none
Previous remixes written: headline 〜luv in the tabloids mix〜, in over your head (the bite me, i like it remix)
Willing to pinch hit?: yes (super junior, tvxq, big bang)

→ What do I do now?

Assignments will be sent out on July 15th along with information on how to submit your finished remixes. If you have not received your assignment by July 17th, please let a mod know ASAP.

→ I have a question.

Ask at the info post (comments not screened), PM a mod, or email kpopficmix@gmail.com. Do not post questions here or they will be deleted.

Signups are now closed.

! admin, # 2010 summer

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