Jul 11, 2010 18:37

→ Assignments

All assignments have officially been sent out! Early, even. :) Due dates haven't changed; it just means you have a few extra days to work with. Hopefully you've already started poking around your remixee's works in search of the perfect fic to remix. Remember, the sooner you turn your fic in, the better, especially if you've also signed up as a pinch hitter.

If you haven't received yours, please let one of the mods know and we can resend it. If for some reason you have a problem with your assignment, let us know now so that we can try to help you. All matches were done with a blind numbering system and matched on fandom only, not fic count, though we tried to match people on as many fandoms as possible without giving anyone each other. Since this is an exchange and all matches have been made (and rely on the others), we can't guarantee any changes, but if you have a serious issue with your assignment we do promise to try.

→ Submission Process

All completed fics should be emailed from the email account you signed up with to kpopficmix@gmail.com with the following information, which should also match the info you signed up with. If any of that information has changed, please note it at the top.

Subject: [COMPLETE] your name (lj) remix of your assigned author

Name/Journal you want to be credited as:

Pairing(s): (if no pairings specify 'gen')
Length: (exact word count, not counting html tags)
Warnings: (optional, please do warn for anything that might be considered triggering)
Notes: (optional, keep in mind these will be posted anonymously at first)

Remixee author:
Title of work you remixed:
Link to work you remixed:

Paste the body of your story here. Make sure to include any HTML tags and that any quotations inside html tags are not smartquotes. We suggest previewing it in a private entry (in HTML mode, not Rich Text) on your own journal to make sure everything shows up how you want it to.

When we have received your assignment, we will reply with confirmation within 24 hours. If you do not receive confirmation, email or PM a mod to let us know. If you signed up as a pinch hitter as well, you will be placed on the standby list at this point.

→ I have a question.

Ask here (comments are screened), PM a mod, or email kpopficmix@gmail.com.

! admin, # 2010 summer

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