"His Dark Materials" coming to the big screen

Dec 28, 2006 09:02

I just noticed their is now a website up for the film version of the first book of one of my favorite, perhaps even my very favorite, series of fantasy books - Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials.

Here is the movie website for The Golden Compass (the first first book was known as Northern Lights outside the US). The first book is perhaps my least favorite in the series actually. It was sort of a Harry-Potter-but-better kind of adventure with a scrappy female protagonist.  However the series takes huge leaps and risks after the first book (and really far beyond the what i think young readers who might have been into the first book might be able to appreciate in thematic terms).  This simplicity in the first book probably makes it far easier to film, though i really worry about how they might adapt the second and third books in the trilogy (actually - i am not sure whether or not i should really be happy about this series being brought to life - as with any such series of books - there is no way to do each book justice in a 2 hour movie, so we shall have to wait and see and hope, and maybe consult the Alethiometer...). I guess we'll have to wait til next Christmas season to find out.

Anyway - for those that haven't read the books, you really should (or better yet - listen to the beautiful produced, fully acted out audio book version - they are fairly impressive).  And especially read beyond the first book...
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