Star Trek: We Reach Our Apogee Slowly (Part 6b), eventual Kirk/Spock, Spock/Uhura, R

Jul 02, 2009 15:12

Title: We Reach Our Apogee Slowly (Part 6b)
Author: kowaiyoukai
Rating: R
Pairing: eventual like whoa Kirk/Spock (STFU), Spock/Uhura (blame JJ, not me)
Warning(s): Angst, meta, language, attempts at witty banter, overly-important tone, intentionally confusing parts, potentially OOC everybody
Spoilers: Star Trek XI (2009) (a.k.a. Star Trek XI, Star Trek 2009, ( Read more... )

fanfic: star trek, fandom: kirk/spock, fandom: star trek, fanfic: kirk/spock

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Comments 131

votaku July 2 2009, 20:18:53 UTC
ILU...and this fic. OMG. And the end conversation was so sweet and just <3333. I look forward to 6c. ^_^

And I'm trying really really really hard to like your Uhura but's she's being really annoying. >.<;; Hopefully she'll soon see that Jim isn't a stupid bag of hormone soon and be more awesome.

Re: Edit2: Hmmmm, My vote is for the side-story for Apogee but that depends on the plot and/or pairings for the Pinto epic. :)


kowaiyoukai July 2 2009, 20:42:17 UTC
Thanks a lot for commenting! \o/ Wow, you're a fast reader. :P

I'm glad you enjoyed the end conversation. It took a long time to write. *headdesk* And there was more I wanted to put in, but I ended up deciding it'd be better if it was spread out more. 6c should be coming soon. *crosses fingers*

Aw, I'm trying not to make Uhura awful, I really am! But this is the way I see her in XI-verse thanks to the movie, and IDK, I think it's not really that she's that bad but more that she doesn't see things from other people's perspectives that easily. Which makes for interesting plot problems I think. *shrugs*

Somehow I am not shocked you would vote for side-story Apogee. :P But yeah, I think it's a toss up currently. Must gather more opinions!



votaku July 2 2009, 21:00:53 UTC
Heh heh..

Yay~ It was definitely much Love. <333

Well, I'm not all 'OMG I HATE HER AND WANT HER TO DIE' or anything. >.<;; More like I wanna shake some sense into the girl. I'm an Uhura fan really. :) I can tell she'll eventually see the light but in the meantime there are twitches.

I haven't really read any rps for this fandom yet so I don't have anything against the Pinto fic but the Apogee plot is <3 and I have no idea what your rps would be about. Without further information that is where the vote stands. X3

Thank you! Right back at you!


kowaiyoukai July 7 2009, 00:40:21 UTC
LOL, I'm a Uhura fan too, believe it or not! But it's hard to really like anyone who stands between Kirk and Spock. Eventually she'll be all awesomsauce, it's just getting to that point that's the problem.

Well, I signed up for the Apogee side-story but I'm probably going to be writing the Pinto anyway, since the ideas are both in my mind now. What can I say? I'm a STXI whore, apparently. *headdesk*


tahariel July 2 2009, 20:43:29 UTC
This is still totally amazing. The slow burn of their growing feelings for one another keeps me on tenterhooks as I read, and the way they interact not only with each other but with the rest of the characters, and the view of how everyone else sees them, makes it rich and deep. Beautiful stuff, really looking forward to more.


kowaiyoukai July 2 2009, 20:53:22 UTC
Thanks a lot for commenting! :D I'm enjoying writing this a whole lot, and dragging it out just makes it better for me. Plus, all of the side characters are just made of win. I really wish I had less scruples about POV jumping, so I could say what everyone was thinking when it matter or was interesting. :P Thanks again! \o/


tahariel July 2 2009, 20:55:26 UTC
I like working it out for myself, though - you make it clear enough that I'm not leaping in the dark, but keep it just that little bit mysterious enough to keep me intrigued.

Also, head-hopping can get really annoying, so I'm glad you don't!


kowaiyoukai July 7 2009, 00:41:47 UTC

I had to make Othersides to solve that problem, b/c I knew I couldn't jump POVs but I also knew I couldn't leave them out. There's not a lot of options left, when you think about it.



christycorr July 2 2009, 20:46:23 UTC
Oh, Uhura, I'd feel so, so sorry for you if I cared.

Jim's quasi-obliviousness is highly amusing. "Don't let the weird unidentified disease bite" was brilliant!

Won't they alarm the Enterprise crew too much by not checking with them, though?

(I vote for the sidestory! But I don't know, either can be awesome \o/)


kowaiyoukai July 2 2009, 20:55:13 UTC
Thanks so much for commenting! <3

LOL, feel some sympathy for Uhura! She's not all bad... right? XP

Jim's obliviousness makes me do little fangirlish happy squee dances by myself when I write.

Yes, I assume the Enterprise crew is freaking out, but they're under orders to suck it up. :P

Thanks for the vote!


christycorr July 2 2009, 20:58:38 UTC
No, she's definitely not all that bad, it's just-come on, standing in the way of Kirk and Spock = certain doom. *grins*

We do similar dances when we read, trust me. Very heterosexual dances of fangirly squee.


kowaiyoukai July 15 2009, 19:06:13 UTC
Yes, standing in the way Kirk and Spock is definitely a bad place to be. SRSLY.

OF COURSE THEY ARE HETEROSEXUAL DANCES OF FANGIRLISH SQUEE. What other kind of dances would they be, srsly?

ICON LOVE LIEK WHOA. ♥ B/c it is so true.


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kowaiyoukai July 2 2009, 20:56:49 UTC
Thanks a lot for commenting! <3 Yay, a fan! I am happy now. So glad you're loving the fic! I work really hard to get everything to work well, I'm so squee-filled you're liking it. And hey, if there's a fan club, are there, like, special benefits? Do I get cookies or something? *pines*


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kowaiyoukai July 15 2009, 19:07:30 UTC

LOL, I should have a sign: "WILL WRITE SPORK FOR FOOD"


lusala July 2 2009, 22:06:09 UTC
Oh. Em. Gee! I literally squealed like a fangirl when I saw you updated! Also squeee (see?!) McCoy and Uhura heard them!! Epic drama, but not overdramatic drama, which makes it so much better!!
I ADORE the 'sleepover' scene. That is what I'm dubbing it in my head because it reminds me of that feeling when I'm all cuddled up in my sleeping bag whispering in the dark with a friend. Course, the situation is anything but safe, but it was just such a touching scene! Well done!
:waits for next update:


Aaand more lusala July 2 2009, 23:13:55 UTC
P.S-When you say "or if he had been taught that sleeping in contorted knots with arms and legs flailing everywhere was illogical" can the reader assume this is in fact how Jim sleeps and therefore Spock will wake up to have Jim draped all over him (yay! plot devices!)? :hopeful face:
P.P.S- I read in another K/S fic that Jim is a dog person and Spock is a cat person, which I was reminded of during your Spock swimming section, which made me lol.
P.P.P.S- I love how you include the Captain/Second aspect in the relationship, which many times writers don't. It makes it that much more...what's the word? Tantalizing. And not even in any sexual way.
..well, that too.


Re: Aaand more kowaiyoukai July 6 2009, 23:33:28 UTC
P.S. Yes, you totaly know that's how Jim sleeps, but you will have to wait and see for the next part. Although don't get your hopes up--they're not going to be smexing each other up anytime soon. XD

P.P.S. LOL, this has got me on a huge meta about how all my OTPs fall under that category. I wrote a Harry/Draco ficlet that mentioned that Harry's a dog person and Draco's a cat person. SRSLY, that works for everybody. :P And I'm glad you liked Spock in the lake! I re-wrote that whole part once I got that idea. Originally he was just beamed to the outskirts of the town and then I was like WAITAMINUTE! They can't tell where they're beaming him b/c of malfunctioning equipment and there is a lake. OBVIOUS. XD

P.P.P.S. Oh yeah, they definitely both know Jim's Captain, it's just that they both also realize Spock not-so-secretly holds all the power. :P


kowaiyoukai July 6 2009, 23:29:53 UTC
Thanks a lot for commenting! :D LOL, yay for squealing like a fangirl! I do that like constantly. :P And yes, McCoy and Uhura heard them. HOMG DORAMA!

The sleepover scene is a great nickname for it. I actually did have a lot more I wanted to put into it, but lo and behold, I think it came out all right. The other stuff can be put in later. :D


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