Star Trek: We Reach Our Apogee Slowly (Part 6b), eventual Kirk/Spock, Spock/Uhura, R

Jul 02, 2009 15:12

Title: We Reach Our Apogee Slowly (Part 6b)
Author: kowaiyoukai
Rating: R
Pairing: eventual like whoa Kirk/Spock (STFU), Spock/Uhura (blame JJ, not me)
Warning(s): Angst, meta, language, attempts at witty banter, overly-important tone, intentionally confusing parts, potentially OOC everybody
Spoilers: Star Trek XI (2009) (a.k.a. Star Trek XI, Star Trek 2009, ( Read more... )

fanfic: star trek, fandom: kirk/spock, fandom: star trek, fanfic: kirk/spock

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votaku July 2 2009, 20:18:53 UTC
ILU...and this fic. OMG. And the end conversation was so sweet and just <3333. I look forward to 6c. ^_^

And I'm trying really really really hard to like your Uhura but's she's being really annoying. >.<;; Hopefully she'll soon see that Jim isn't a stupid bag of hormone soon and be more awesome.

Re: Edit2: Hmmmm, My vote is for the side-story for Apogee but that depends on the plot and/or pairings for the Pinto epic. :)


kowaiyoukai July 2 2009, 20:42:17 UTC
Thanks a lot for commenting! \o/ Wow, you're a fast reader. :P

I'm glad you enjoyed the end conversation. It took a long time to write. *headdesk* And there was more I wanted to put in, but I ended up deciding it'd be better if it was spread out more. 6c should be coming soon. *crosses fingers*

Aw, I'm trying not to make Uhura awful, I really am! But this is the way I see her in XI-verse thanks to the movie, and IDK, I think it's not really that she's that bad but more that she doesn't see things from other people's perspectives that easily. Which makes for interesting plot problems I think. *shrugs*

Somehow I am not shocked you would vote for side-story Apogee. :P But yeah, I think it's a toss up currently. Must gather more opinions!



votaku July 2 2009, 21:00:53 UTC
Heh heh..

Yay~ It was definitely much Love. <333

Well, I'm not all 'OMG I HATE HER AND WANT HER TO DIE' or anything. >.<;; More like I wanna shake some sense into the girl. I'm an Uhura fan really. :) I can tell she'll eventually see the light but in the meantime there are twitches.

I haven't really read any rps for this fandom yet so I don't have anything against the Pinto fic but the Apogee plot is <3 and I have no idea what your rps would be about. Without further information that is where the vote stands. X3

Thank you! Right back at you!


kowaiyoukai July 7 2009, 00:40:21 UTC
LOL, I'm a Uhura fan too, believe it or not! But it's hard to really like anyone who stands between Kirk and Spock. Eventually she'll be all awesomsauce, it's just getting to that point that's the problem.

Well, I signed up for the Apogee side-story but I'm probably going to be writing the Pinto anyway, since the ideas are both in my mind now. What can I say? I'm a STXI whore, apparently. *headdesk*


votaku July 7 2009, 23:53:11 UTC

::smacks forehead:: Okay, I'm obviously braindead because I saw Pinto but was reading it as Quinto. Duh. Ugh, okay yeah...with that cleared up in my brain then I'm recasting my vote for the rps. >.<;;;

And if you switchwrite both I'm sure no one would mind at all. :D But as a warning(?) if you write the side story your summary will prolly be recognized pretty quick. I'd expect to be claimed fairly early on. Of course, the lack of rps compared to stxi fic will mean that will be noticed fairly easily too. Hmmmmmm...would totally be one of these people.


kowaiyoukai July 15 2009, 19:04:37 UTC
LOL, I'm still doing the RPS, but just not for the BB. Which still works, I guess. The Apogee prequel is going to be epic, though, I just started writing it and I'm already surprised at what's happening! LOL WTF SELF. *headdesk*

You know, I've never done a Big Bang before, and I really have no idea hwta you're talking about for the summary. I kind of generally get the idea, but I guess what happens is I put up a summary and someone claims it for art? But the summary for the prequel really cannot be the same as the summary for Apoge! So I guess it doesn't matter in the end? *scratches head*

BUT THEN HOW DO ARTISTS KNOW WHAT THEY'RE SIGNING UP FOR?! This seems unfair to me. Artists just have to go based on telepathy to figure out what fic they want to draw for? D:


votaku July 15 2009, 22:26:25 UTC
Hahaha...obviously your characters had different designs~ ::grins:: And I'm totes looking forward to the RPS. :D

::laughs:: I guess it does sound kind of weird if you've never done one before. Ummmm, well HERE is an example of what a summary page would look like. That's what artists would see. Then we would pick the one(s) that we think we'd like to do and post a 'claim' in comments. The mods would then give us the okay or tell us if it's already claimed *because you have to be speedy damnit - SPN BB had 228 fics claimed in 14 hours and then artists had to double team fics because they were all claimed before they could get there!*

Anyways, after all the prompts are claimed the mods should post a list like THIS up with the artist and author name attached. The artist would then contact the author (or vice versa) and talk to them about what they want to do and such. An author is generally allowed to work/plan with an artist before the claims post but it's still first come, first serve. I did this for one of my fics. But the only ' ( ... )


kowaiyoukai July 16 2009, 20:22:32 UTC
My characters ALWAYS have different designs. It is the plague of my existence, seriously. *headdesk*

Thanks for the links and explanation! It seems like it would be epic panic for the artists when the summaries are posted. *laughs* I think I'd camp out at the library and keep on refreshing the page. :P I'd like to do an SPN BB--that would be fun. I've already got long SPN fics though, and who knows if I'll get another good idea... such is life. *shrugs*

Do authors and artists usually plan to work together beforehand? Or is this like nudge-nudge-wink-wink I won't tell if you don't thing? XP

The entire thing sounds incredibly complicated, but it does end up giving fandom awesomesauce fics and art, so how can you complain, really?

You were really helpful! Thanks for the info! I'm all excited to see how my BB turns out now. XD


votaku July 16 2009, 20:52:25 UTC
Lol. I think it's a common ailment. Lord knows my original characters do the same damn thing. XD

There is somewhat, but the mods will generally let you know *if you ask* when they'll be posting the summaries. For SPN I got online about an hour after the lists had been posted (SPN had alot so they split into 4 sections: Slash, Gen/Het, RPS 1, RPS 2) and I already knew I wanted Slash so I read through the summaries of that that, and claimed the two that grabbed me the most. I got them both *then had to do the switch thingy* so I was lucky there. But yeah, the earlier the better.

I've already got long SPN fics though, and who knows if I'll get another good idea... such is life.

Well, SPN BigBang is actually pretty much over. Posting is going on now and is actually ongoing throuh August. O.O There were alot of fics. By the time the next one starts up we'll be halfway through season 5 so anything could happen. ^_^

Do authors and artists usually plan to work together beforehand?

Ah, it's more by chance? At least it was in my case. >. ( ... )


kowaiyoukai July 17 2009, 19:00:57 UTC
I actually think characters just do whatever they please and sort of mock the authors when they complain about it. *headdesk*

I'm in the middle of a few SPN fics. Actually, I'm in the middle of a LOT of half-finished fics. Such is my life. But I would like to try and do other Big Bangs, if this one turns out cool for me. :D

You know, I kind of really like the vast majority of fanart I see, so I can't imagine how anyone would really complain about not getting a specific artist or whatever. It all seems like a really well-organized system to me.

I must say all this BB talk is getting me very excited about it. I'll have to work more on that fic in-between bouts of Apogee! And I am quite worried that people will be disappointed with my BB since it's not going to be K/S. :P

LOL, I need to switch my default icon. Misha is awesome and all, but I need a new one. *headdesk*


votaku July 17 2009, 19:48:52 UTC
I can't imagine how anyone would really complain about not getting a specific artist

And yet it happens. >.< I don't think we'll have too big a problem with it at all, especially for the STXI BB since it's going to the first BB for this fandom. :)

Yay! Be excited~ I think it'll be fine if it's not k/s. I mean, be honest, my otp isn't K/S at all. Its Mc/K, although my OT3 is S/K/U. But're a kickass writer and I'd read you purely gen or whatever you want to do. :D

::laughs:: I've actually kept my default the same since I've gotten this account used to be another another username. I think it's because it the first default icon i've used that's a stock icon.


kowaiyoukai July 18 2009, 20:29:16 UTC
Yeah, it's very exciting to have a new BB to take part in. But anyone who complains about getting fanart for their fic is basically an asshet, IMHO. I can't imagine complaining about that, srsly. Even if you HATE the art, like absolutely LOATHE it (and I really can't imagine that EITHER but just for the sake of argument), it's still incredibly flattering and amazing to have people care that much about a fic you're putting all of your time and energy into creating. If that makes sense. *headdesk ( ... )


votaku July 19 2009, 03:17:27 UTC
If that makes sense.

It does, and yes...I don't reall understand it either. Especially when the mod agrees to allow both artists to work on it and they get pissy cause they only want the one person. O.O

I think you're doing their Epic Friendship really well. :)

If I went insane and wrote a fic where Nero falls in love with Sarek, you wouldn't want to read that... right?

.....Ummmm, well...actually. There's some interesting ways to do that. I mean, the angst factor there~ Maybe Amanda dies and Nero becomes like the stepfather of Spock and while he loves Sarek he still hates and wants revenge upon Spock. And he could do so much psychological damage to wee!Spock 0.o ...Quit giving me ideas >.<;;

Sorry, that does not appear to be one of my limits. ^_^;;

♥ Thank you~!


kowaiyoukai July 21 2009, 00:13:39 UTC
LOL, the more you say about some of these writers the more I think they need to pull their heads out of their asses and STFU. *shakes head*

Jim and Bones' epic friendship is very epic, and will actually be a part of my BB prequel YAYAZ!! \o/

LOL, you're terrible, really. ♥ ♥ ♥


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