Star Trek: We Reach Our Apogee Slowly (Part 6b), eventual Kirk/Spock, Spock/Uhura, R

Jul 02, 2009 15:12

Title: We Reach Our Apogee Slowly (Part 6b)
Author: kowaiyoukai
Rating: R
Pairing: eventual like whoa Kirk/Spock (STFU), Spock/Uhura (blame JJ, not me)
Warning(s): Angst, meta, language, attempts at witty banter, overly-important tone, intentionally confusing parts, potentially OOC everybody
Spoilers: Star Trek XI (2009) (a.k.a. Star Trek XI, Star Trek 2009, ( Read more... )

fanfic: star trek, fandom: kirk/spock, fandom: star trek, fanfic: kirk/spock

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kowaiyoukai July 18 2009, 20:29:16 UTC
Yeah, it's very exciting to have a new BB to take part in. But anyone who complains about getting fanart for their fic is basically an asshet, IMHO. I can't imagine complaining about that, srsly. Even if you HATE the art, like absolutely LOATHE it (and I really can't imagine that EITHER but just for the sake of argument), it's still incredibly flattering and amazing to have people care that much about a fic you're putting all of your time and energy into creating. If that makes sense. *headdesk*

LOL, Kirk/McCoy is a really great pairing too! I'm having trouble with it in Apogee actually, b/c McCoy and Kirk are so close but it's a different kind of close than Kirk and Spock are, and showing that difference is just difficult at times--especially when you've got a slashy mindset! :P

Aww, you're too nice. You wouldn't read WHATEVER I would write. If I went insane and wrote a fic where Nero falls in love with Sarek, you wouldn't want to read that... right? I mean, there's gotta be SOME limits, srsly. XP

Well, that's b/c your default icon is AMAZINGLY KICKASS. But I've got a good one I made that I'll put up soon. \o/


votaku July 19 2009, 03:17:27 UTC
If that makes sense.

It does, and yes...I don't reall understand it either. Especially when the mod agrees to allow both artists to work on it and they get pissy cause they only want the one person. O.O

I think you're doing their Epic Friendship really well. :)

If I went insane and wrote a fic where Nero falls in love with Sarek, you wouldn't want to read that... right?

.....Ummmm, well...actually. There's some interesting ways to do that. I mean, the angst factor there~ Maybe Amanda dies and Nero becomes like the stepfather of Spock and while he loves Sarek he still hates and wants revenge upon Spock. And he could do so much psychological damage to wee!Spock 0.o ...Quit giving me ideas >.<;;

Sorry, that does not appear to be one of my limits. ^_^;;

♥ Thank you~!


kowaiyoukai July 21 2009, 00:13:39 UTC
LOL, the more you say about some of these writers the more I think they need to pull their heads out of their asses and STFU. *shakes head*

Jim and Bones' epic friendship is very epic, and will actually be a part of my BB prequel YAYAZ!! \o/

LOL, you're terrible, really. ♥ ♥ ♥


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