trouble is a friend

Feb 27, 2011 00:07

trouble is a friend
1397 w, pg-13 ( jooyeon/g.o, mblaq )
g.o can only handle his nephews on variety shows.

  • written for olvejuice ♥ undoubtedly inspired by this, this, and this! oh, and our otp jooyeon/g.o - who, by the way, could please have more interactions. please <3

It happens like this:

"Byunghee, your children are in the living room."

He is absolutely mortified. Seungho perks up for a minute from his laptop, giving an amused glance to Byunghee's suddenly pained, terrified expression. It reminds him of when their manager told the guy he had to shave off his mustache.

He only laughs, "Uh oh, did Jooyeon not tell you something?"

Byunghee courteously just flips their leader off. "No, but maybe Soyeon didn't," and Seungho merely snarls.

Byunghee doesn't look all that amused either, his facial expression a little dead pan at Sanghyun's mischievous little smirk. Before he can open his mouth to speak, he sees a little boy walk in, another one trailing in behind him.

The visual maknae chirps with a giggle, "Your sister left them there."

Byunghee only gives his two little nephews quizzical looks. Why weren't they wearing shirts?

Wan is a chill little kid, Byunghee supposes. He's a chill kid that follows around a destructively curious Yoon, who is currently experimenting with dinosaur sounds or elephant shrieks - but it's something incomprehensible to all of the other mblaq members. Well, except maybe Cheolyong, who is crawling on his hands and knees, stretching out his neck to imitate their little battle cries. Changsun is grinning ear to ear, sitting on the couch next to Sanghyun. Byunghee is sprawled out on the floor next to Seungho, whose dark circles are becoming more apparent after Yoon says, "You look like a panda!"

All the mblaq members are smart enough to contain their laughter, except Changsun of course, who later gets pegged in the face with a pillow by Seungho.

"You're really good with kids aren't you?" Byunghee makes a point of asking Cheolyong this question later. Yoon is pulling his hair, and Wan is pulling his ear, and Cheolyong looks kind of disjointed but he's still smiling.

"Yeah, I guess."

Then Yoon hits Cheolyong with his plastic truck, and Byunghee swears he just saw him twitch.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" Changsun is panicking in english, watching the two boys flood their living room with tears.

Byunghee scrambles into the room two seconds later, Changsun dramatically dropped on his knees in front of his two nephews. His head is bowed down as the two little boy continue to spurt out tears like there's no tomorrow, and Byunghee just kicks Changsun's side,

"What did you do!?"

"I told them they couldn't play with the television remote because they kept slamming it against the tv itself! And then - and then this one just started shrieking, which I think just triggered the other one to start crying, and now, now -"

"Changsun, don't you dare even start crying, because I don't have time for this." God, sometimes he could be so uncool.

Byunghee sweeps both of them into his arms, jumping up and down, making silly faces, and, "Where the hell is Cheolyong!?"

"He has a headache," Sanghyun replies rather timidly, scratching the back of his neck. "Yoon kind of beat him over the head with his truck. It was pretty brutal."

"YANG SEUNGHO!" Byunghee yells, only causing more tears for the two little twins.

"You know, you seemed a little more experienced with children when we were on that variety show," Seungho mumbles under his breath.

"Just, I don't know, help me," He turns towards him and Seungho merely sighs, taking Wan into his arms. After about four seconds, he hands the boy off to Sanghyun.

Changsun is still on the ground, staring wide eyed at the two children with remorse all over his face. He reaches out to them with the television remote, as if it were a peace offering, and Yoon just kicks his hand away before punching Byunghee in the face. Byunghee flinches, glaring at Yoon as if he understood.

Sadly, he does not.

"Hyung, call Soyeon! She - she's on that show, goodbye baby, or something!"

Seungho glares at Chansung, "You mean hello baby?"

"No, I mean, get Soyeon!"

Byunghee rolls his eyes and looks at Seungho. Seungho merely frowns, "T-ara is promoting today."

Changsun sees Byunghee grumble something before he pulls his phone out of his pocket, throwing it towards him.

"Just press number four on my speed dial, and tell her to come over, now."

Even though Jooyeon comes thirty minutes later, Yoon hasn't stopped crying.

Wan has somehow found himself rather comfortable in Sanghyun's lanky awkwardness, and Byunghee is getting a migraine. Cheolyong is dead, and Seungho is tired, and Changsun opens the door to Jooyeon with this broad smile because it's not like it's his fault the kids started crying.



Jooyeon winces from the sudden banshee screaming, rather appalled that it isn't Cheolyong. She simply brushes by Changsun, her brow arching at Byunghee's lame attempts to stop his nephew from crying on the couch.

He gives her a rather pitiful look and Yoon looks at her with tear stained cheeks. She offers a comforting smile to both of them, because she isn't really sure who needs it more at the moment. Jooyeon sets her bag down on the floor before walking over, carefully taking Yoon out of Byunghee's tired arms and sitting next to him on the couch. She strokes Yoon's hair softly, rubs his back, and rocks him back and forth.

Byunghee just dies right there on the couch.

When he comes back to life sometime later, he's still on the couch and there's drool on his chin. He figures he must still look attractive though, because Jooyeon looks at him like everything is perfectly fine. "You have drool on your chin." Well, never mind that.

He shifts slowly on the couch, seeing Yoon fast asleep by her side.

"Wait - what? How long did I pass out for?"

"Twenty minutes?"

"He cried for half an hour straight."

"Isn't he your nephew?"


Jooyeon furrows her brows after that, her fingers pressing against the temples of her forehead in slight frustration. "You know, you're lucky I was free, because .. I don't know what would have happened. But Yoon is a sweet kid, when he's not crying."

"Yeah, I know - I mean, thank you. Yeah. Why do you say he's sweet?"

"Well, I actually talked to him a little before he just completely passed out too."

Shit, Byunghee thinks, groaning inwardly. "What did he tell you?"

"He told me he recognized me because you had pictures of me on your phone."

He thinks he hears Yoon giggle a little into the pillow.

"You're going to be a good mom," He doesn't really mean it, but he does, but he doesn't really know - but right then, at that moment, he's just pretty incoherent. "I want you to be the mother of my children." All be it, Byunghee is a little jaded and sore, but he does mean the second part. He actually means it a lot.

Jooyeon chokes on her water, clearing her throat a few seconds later. She realizes that it obviously doesn't occur to Byunghee what that want implies, but she just smiles, "Really?"

He nods his head, his chin finding rest in the palm of his hand as he leans against the kitchen counter. He doesn't really know where all the other mblaq members went, but honestly, he could care less at the moment.

"You know, you haven't actually called me in awhile."

She says it rather pointedly, her eyes sharp as if it has some snarky meaning behind it - probably because it actually does. Byunghee groans to himself, rubbing his face with his hands in efforts to just wake up and snap out of it because, "I needed you."


The conversation doesn't really go anywhere much more from there, and maybe if Byunghee had not been delusional he would have kissed her, but that doesn't happen. Instead, they exchange tired smiles before Byunghee shrugs,

"Want to sleep with me? There's room in my bed."

Jooyeon sighs, "Sure."

( They both stare at the speckled ceiling of his room, their fingers tangled underneath the sheets.

"So," Jooyeon mutters into the fabric of his shirt later when they're lying down on his bed.

"Exactly how many pictures of me do you have on your phone again?"

Before Byunghee can respond, Seungho just walks by the door,

"He has like, six." )

fandom: mblaq, ♥ : jooyeon/g.o, Ξ : withoutchange, fandom: after school

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