How The Plan Gone Wrong [1/3]

Dec 18, 2011 15:50

how the plan gone wrong
~3,200 w, pg-13~15 (jessica/onew)
set during the jazz age where onew is a wealthy young man who owns a yacht and jessica is the ultimate femme fatale don't judge me
a/n fulfilling ammoniter's request, author will now go back to battling a monster known to man kind as homeworks and tolstoy.

THE PLAN I : dinner at six, kick red head out of room by seven-ish, leave hotel room at eight, depart the shore sometime around nine then sail away and don’t look back.

The plan was easy, at least it was supposed to be. The only possible problem was the air-head Jonghyun picked up last night from the lobby, yet Jinki haven’t devoured his promised steak. It was now half passed ten, a full hour and a half wasted and for what? Jonghyun? Why? No one would ever know the guy have disappeared into the night and leave no sign of returning. Unbelievable, Jinki thought grumpily as he put his change on the counter of a drug store for a packet of cigs.

“Any nightclub around?”

The brunette flashed a well-rehearsed smile as she spoke, “There’s one just on your right, shouldn’t be too hard to find.

“Thanks” He shouted back shortly, a foot already out the door.

The lady wasn’t lying when she said that it would be nothing short of easy to spot. The nightclub stood right on the corner of the busy street, teenagers lined up at the door, standing on their toes once in a while, too eager to be let in. If it was back in his younger days, Jinki had no doubt that it would be him first in line. But he was reaching the age of 23 now, there was not much that he hasn’t done nor was there much that aroused excitement in him.

“Hey, kid.” He motioned the boy guarding the door to come over, hand already reaching for the five dollar bill in his pocket. “Is five good enough for you?”

A small smile of triumphant made an appearance when the dollar bill was snatched from his hand at the ridiculous speed of lightning. “Yes, sir, right away, sir.” The kid said with almost too much
enthusiasm as he quickly led Jinki to the back door.

“Miss Jinri, would you mind accompanying this gentleman to a table?”

The girl eyes travelled down to the dollar bill clutched in his hand as she nodded obediently, “Ye - yes, of course, come along with me now, sir.”

The inside of the nightclub was done much more tastefully than the outside. Rather than blossoming teens or the newly erupted rock music to numb the ears, there was only the sound of hushing conversations from dining tables accompanied by the soft sound of the trumpet beautifully played.

“Would you like me to take your hat and coat, sir?” The young girl stopped behind the counter and asked in a small voice as she reached for a number tag.

Jinki grimaced as he glanced around the place, desperately seeking for a trace of Kim Jonghyun.

“Yeah, sure.” He replied grimly and wriggled out of his coat, handing it to her along with his hat. “Hate to trouble you but would you mind letting me see the list of names that left their belongings to your care today, miss?”

“Why would you ask for such thing, sir?” she asked, her big eyes peering back at him in a questioning look.

“Why, I’m only looking for a friend of mine.” Jinki replied, surprise at the girl’s curious nature. “Of course, I can’t possibly force you to give me the list but can’t you do this a poor guy a little favour, it would save him his much needed time and energy.”

Her mind was at hard work for a long second, contemplating her decisions, wearily glancing around as if a predator would be jumping out of any directions at any time at her. Finally the long-awaited wooden clipboard was pulled out from under the counter to much of his satisfaction.

“It’ll be our little secret.” He said with much satisfaction with his persuasion success only to be even more pleased when a familiar signature of Kim Jonghyun was seen scribbled at the bottom of the list.

“You’ve done too much for me today, miss, I’ll find myself a table.”

“But, sir, wa -“

And before Jinki could catch more of her argument, he had already disappeared passed the corner and down at the dining area, looking for a dinosaur shaped-like head as he went from table after another.

Frustration was getting the best of him as he nearly walked into a powder room rather than the men’s after an hour later.

Another half an hour of aimlessly wandering around went by before a sharp tap was given on his shoulder. “Sir, I will need you to settle down, now that a performance is about to start.”

“Oh, sure.” A half-hearted apology left his mouth as he pulled out the only chair in reaching distance and sat down. “Bring me a glass of scotch, would you? Thanks.”

And with that, the lights dimmed, the audience learned to master silence and the supporting band looked as if they were born to play their assigned parts.

Oh, Everytime we say goodbye I die a little, the spotlight found its way to its rightful owner, the most beautiful of the beautiful ones emerged and he wondered if this was the real thing or just his imagination. Everytime we say goodbye I wonder why a little, the blonde sang with such sadness in her voice, he wondered who would ever dare to give her pain. Why the gods above me who must be in the know, think so little of me, they allow you to go, and so she sang, her sorrowful eyes staring into his very soul.

And when you're near
There's such an air of spring about it,
I can hear a lark somewhere begin to sing about it
There's no love song finer
But how strange the change from major to minor
Everytime we say goodbye

Was it possible? That the god above had created something so wonderful, so precious, so delicate as this woman and only to give to them, to share it to the world.

“Here’s your drink, sir.”

His mind recovered for a precious second, a voice bringing him back to the reality and away from his intoxication. “O - oh, yes, th -thank you.”


“Wh - what? Now what is it?”

What? Jinki dared to ask. But as he tried hard enough to be able to swivel his head around from what possibly is the most beautiful sight ever, he discovered the shocking incident of the server’s dress shirt soaked in amber liquid - the amber liquid he, himself knocked over.

“I am truly sor -“

The older man forced a smile, sighing at his ruined shirt as he shoved the empty tumbler into Jinki’s hand. “No need, sir, just - just here take this.”

Everytime we say goodbye I die a little
Everytime we say goodbye I wonder why a little

The bombshell sang again but only this time with a smile, a smile as refreshing as the June’s breeze in Hong Kong, a smile meant for Jinki’s eyes only.

THE PLAN I TAKE II : (still) find Kim Jonghyun, pack their goddamn bags, get out of the nightclub with some sense.

“Enjoyed my performance, I see.”

Platinum blonde. 5’4. Pale green eyes. Cupid-bow shaped lips. Shaped like an hourglass. Smile hinted something dangerous, yet inviting. A grown woman, not a child, not a girl. Definition of femme fatale - mysterious and seductive, complete with cigarette between fingers. ‘Perfect’ was such a bland word in association with such an exciting thing as she.

“O - o - oh, very much. I couldn’t begin to tell you how much.” Jinki stuttered, tongue tied as he scrambled out of his seat in such terrible rush, he tripped over his own two feet. “I’m terribly sorry for ruining your performance, miss -"

“Not miss - missus.” She corrected in a cold voice, letting him pull out a chair for her. “And I’m glad you liked it so much that you waste a drink over it.”

“M - missus?”

Her one brow was raised. “Yes, missus.” Confusion? Annoyance? Displease? Jinki couldn’t tell for sure. “Is that a problem?”

He was left speechless, unable to think of a smart response or even an impressive one. “No, no, of course not. It’s just that you look only in your early twenties. And about the incidence earlier this evening, I wasn’t intoxicated or anything of sort, I was only a bit distracted, that was all.”

“I am in my early twenties.” She was laughing now as she ordered herself a glass of champagne. “But I don’t see marrying young being out of the normal now a days. We all do things a little bit quicker, possibly because most of us die at such early age. Do tell me though, what is it that distracted you?”

Jinki almost choked his answer on a near empty glass of scotch, “Nothing worth knowing”

“If you insist and do give me a name to remember you by.”

“Jinki - Lee Jinki”

A perfect smoke circle blurred his vision before revealing a mischievous smile being sent his way as she whispered in her heart melting voice, “Pleasure to meet you, Mister Lee.”

Pleasure, indeed.

THE PLAN I TAKE III : (don't) find Kim Jonghyun, get back to the hotel, forget packing, say goodnight to Missus Lonelyheart and never look back.


Jinki never was able to let go of Missus Lonelyheart. She was still here, sitting bare foot besides him on the deck, her heels on his lap as she puffed away her fifth cigarette since they’ve met. Missus Lonelyheart was not her real name, in fact he hadn’t a clue what her birth given name was. It was just a nick name he had decided to give to her after hearing the story about her rich but unaffectionate husband of three years that was currently (and always) out of town for a business matter, leaving her behind feeling lonely

“Thank you but no, thanks.” He said politely, watching as her feet disappeared into the sea water. “I don’t smoke.”

An expression of pure shock passed her face as she says, “Are you telling me, Mister Lee that you can get through the blues without one of these?” She asked and tap the ash off the end of her cigarette.

“Well, yes, I managed just fine without one of those.” He replied with a shrug, not fully understanding what smoking has to do with sadness.

“You must be one of the good ones then.” She said smoothly, running one hand through her blonde locks. “There aren’t many mankind left that can cure their sorrow without expensive cigarette,” she paused for a moment then took another drag. “Or liquor. Are you a drinker, Mister Lee?”

“If you mean, if I’m an alcoholic then - no, no, of course, not.” Jinki replied assuredly, shaking his head frantically.

“You’re cute, have I told you that before?”

“We - well, no b -“

“There you are!” A chipper voice interrupted. “I’ve been looking for you all over this town.”

He can now crossed find Kim Jonghyun off his list of plans.

THE PLAN I TAKE IV : get on the yacht with Kim Jonghyun and Kim Jonghyun only, not Missus Lonelyheart.

Jinki should have seen it coming.

All the signs were there - Jonghyun’s toothy smile, the body language of a lovesick school boy, his uncontrollable urge to lunge at them (at least, one of them), his voice going through puberty all over

When did he ever succeed in making Jonghyun this happy? The answer? Never.

But did a particular no name leggy blonde bombshell make men happy? Yes, no doubt and Jonghyun counted as a man, after all he still had all the required body parts.

“Jessica!” Jinki was shoved aside as his friend reached for the blonde’s hands. “Why, you look even more stunning that the last I’ve seen of you.”

Jessica smiled with such softness in her eyes, it made Jinki’s knees weak from the sight. “Always such a sweet talker, Jonghyun? Not that I’m against it, if more men were like you, the world would be a much better place. And like Mister Lee, here too. He’s been such a darling to me, you two must meet.”

“What’s all this talk about this Lee guy here?” Jonghyun asked, raising his voice in displease of the mention of another man.

“Jongh -“

“Honey, I thought we agreed that you would stop seeing all your other guy friends, now that you’ve met me.” He continued without taking a breath of his own while Jinki and Jessica shared a look. “Now is it serious with this guy? Do you need me to take care of him?”

He tried again, taking a hold of Jonghyun’s arm and tugging him around to his way. “Jonghyu -“

“Oh, for godsake’s Jinki, can’t you shut up for a minute!” He yelled furiously, pulling away with such force it made Jinki topple over. “Don’t you see that I’m having a very important question here with Jessica here - Jinki? What are you doing here?”

“Oh” Jessica said flatly as she stood up, meeting eye level with Jonghyun. “So you two do know each other?”

Jinki is on his feet in an instant. “Of course, we know each other. He’s the friend that I’ve been looking for all night.”

“Really, now?” She said in surprise, her mouth forming an ‘O’ shape. “Now, now, Jonghyun do you know what great trouble you’ve been to Mister Lee here? He’s been to every corner of this town, just looking for you. Why don’t you apologize and tell him where you’ve been all night long?” Then she smile, that charming, devious smile of hers and stamped on her cigarette with the point end of her heels.

Jonghyun narrowed his eyes as he grabbed Jessica by the waist possessively. “You know perfectly well where I’ve been all night, honey. In your dressing room, waiting to take you out and what did I get? You running off with my friend here. How did you two meet anyway?”

“You see,” Jessica started, her eyes glistening in excitement. “Mister Lee here disturbed my performance by spilling some drinks on Siwon, you know the server boy? He obviously owed me an apology so I went to collect it, of course and he’s still making it up to me, that’s just all there is.”

“Well, that’s enough making up for a day. Let’s go now, I’ll take you somewhere grand.” A seething glare was sent his way as Jonghyun spoke to Jessica cheerfully. “And explain something to me, would you, honey? What are you speaking Chinese for? You know my language skills aren’t up to par.”

“Hold on, are you telling me that she, Missus Jessica here can speak Korean?” He asked pointing at the blonde accusingly.

Jonghyun raised his eyebrows, looking thoroughly bewildered. “Why, of course, Jessica here is a born Korean, you dope.”

She cocked her head and rolled her eyes, slipping her heels back on. “Don’t be so crude, Jonghyun. You just blew my cover and wrecked all my fun.”

I need to sit down, Jinki thought to himself as he turned out of Jonghyun’s irritating complaints. Sure, Missus Lonelyheart - Jessica is more beautiful than any other women in this whole wide world but she was also wildly complicated. Neither of them getting involved wither her wasn’t such a bright idea. She wasn’t just a Miss but a Missus, god knows what her husband is like, is he violent? Aggressive? Abusive? A mafia? No one knows and what if he finds about her little affair with Jonghyun? They might never get out of this island in pieces!

“Darling, you’re not being very sensible right now!” was what brought him back to the conversation. “If you’re going to be this way, I’d rather prefer Mister Lee’s company for the night.”

And before Jinki could have any say of his own in the matter, Jessica’s arm was link in his as she dragged him away from the deck.

“Now, Missus whoever-you-are, I’m going to give you a piece of my mind!” Jinki snapped, now furious with her highly immature behaviours.

“Oh, no, I couldn’t take the last piece.”

So Missus Lonelyheart stole the last piece of his mind when she draped her arms around his neck, stand on her toes, peered into his soul and pressed her soft lips on his in the most loving way possible.

Jinki swore he got a glimpse of what love looks like when Jessica pulled away for a yielding second before pressing yet another longing kiss on his cheek.

THE PLAN TAKE V : prevent self from falling in love with Missus Lonelyheart.

“Tell me, Mister Lee, do you go dancing very often?” Missus Lonelyheart breathed into his ears in her most seductive voice and Jinki struggled to sway properly to the music.

“No, not very much.” He replied nervously. “I’m not very much a stay up late and party the night away kind of guy, sorry to disappoint you.”

She chuckled lowly and wrapped her arms even tighter around him, closing the invisible space between them as she whispered, “No, not disappointed, not at all. I prefer the sensitive, bookish type anyway.”

“How would you know I’m the sensitive, bookish type, now?” He chuckled under his breath, gracing her with a small smile.

Jessica pressed her lips together, thoughtful. “Just a lucky guess but I’m known for my skills of reading people.”

“Tha - that’s good.” He stuttered, his hand clumsily slipping from her waist. “Wh - what other skills, do you have, Miss -“

The hint of a smile curves her mouth. “Jessica, not Missus Jung, not you but Jessica, I give you consent to call me that.” She says smoothly, pressing her cheeks to his and it’s all wildly romantic but he’s scared it will end in a matter of seconds so he held her just a little tighter than before. “Yes, Jessica and I’ll call you Jinki, does that sound alright to you…Jinki?”

It makes Jinki pause and soften. “Sounds swell, Jessica.”


“Yes, Jessica?”

“I think you love me, tell me I’m right.” She says quietly, pressing herself into him until he’s incapable
of taking another breath.

Jinki clears his throat and, more than embarrassed, he wanted to meet the challenge in her eyes. She looks vulnerable as if she hasn’t been loved her whole life, as if she’s been waiting all her life to heart him say the words. “You’re right, Jessica.”

“So I’m right, you do love me.” She chuckled lightly and his heart dropped, afraid that he was after all, just another entertainment of night to her. Then Jessica bit her lips. She has a nice mouth, Jinki thought and resisted the urge to claim it with his own. “Take me, just the two of us - take me with you to wherever you’re going away to.”

“Okay” He repeated over and over again, uncertain as ever, and laid a hand on her cheek, kisses her for the second time of the night.

Jessica stared at him for a moment, lips curving into a dazzling smile, before nodding, too. “Let’s go.”  

Ξ : douc, fandom: shinee, ♥ : jessica/onew, fandom: snsd

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