shock me into love

Dec 19, 2011 15:36

shock me into love
~600 w, g (seohyun/yonghwa)
how one of the happiest things on earth is when you’re in love with someone who is more in love with you.
a/n fulfilling whitepoo's request

Yonghwa kisses Seohyun after the filming, tasting like the mandarin with a hint of strawberry from the cake they’ve been eating.

Glaring, Seohyun snaps and peels a fresh mandarin. "Don't do that."

"Why not?” he askes, sadness looking like confusion on his face. "Seohyun, you know how I feel about you and I know you feel the sa -“

"Don't," she says, her tone harsher and colder this time. "Don’t say that - I - I don’t like it when you make assumption about what I feel or how I feel.”

Seohyun doesn’t pretend that wasn’t her very first kiss, shared with Jung Yonghwa.

(She only pretends he stolen it, rather than willingly given to him).

He walks Seohyun back to her dorm. Her handbag hangs on his one arm, another placed lightly on her shoulder. It feels like her well-deserved but non-existent high school experience, she hates it and loves it all at the same time.

"Should you pretend to fall over so I can give you a piggy back ride?” he asks, half-teasing, half-hopeful.

"That would be silly.” she lied, struggling to keep from smiling rather than frown. "I mean, those stuff are for children, we’re old, sensible adults now.”

"Okay, okay” he says with a shrug then trips her over, bursting out in laughter as snow melts into her curls.

Seohyun groans, pushing herself off the ground and failing miserably with a loud ‘thud’ of pain,

“Ow! You are so immature - I - I can’t believe you’re my pretend husband!”

“That looks bad,” he grins, his pearly whites positively radiating. “Looks like I’ll have to give you a piggy back ride after all.”

“Fine” she surrenders and throws her heels at his head.

Jonghyun and Seohyun stands on the opposite side of the tiny kitchen. She’s cutting up some carrots while he’s stirring the chicken soup. The only sound shared being the knife hitting the cutting board and only word spoken is ‘hello’ from thirty minutes ago.

“You like him?”

Seohyun turns, arms folds across her chest. “Who?”

He lets out a lazy chuckle and swivels his head around to get a glimpse of her, “Yonghwa”

“Yonghwa?” she echoes blankly.

“Yeah, Yonhgwa” his smile is inviting and it made Seohyun feels less humiliated.

“Um…” she stands awkwardly in the corner with a kitchen knife in her hand, contemplating what would be the right thing to say. “I guess - yeah, yeah, I like Yonghwa.”

Jonghyun nods, smiles, seems relieve.

“What are you doing here…Yong?” she asks through gritted teeth, smiling sweetly at her peers as she drags him away from the lunch table. “What are you doing here at my university? Here in the canteen? And without telling me?”

He winces and whines like a little baby when she smacks him with her folder repeatedly. “St - stop! Stop! I come in peace, bearing with your jumper from last night.”


He smiles, a heart melting smile that she learns to treasure so much. “Don’t I get a reward for my good deeds?”

She rolls her eyes and as if it was the most normal thing in the world, she tiptoes up and presses a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips. Maybe it was normal, to kiss him so
comfortably, so carelessly. Loving has become so natural, just like a habit.

“Thank you,” she says, blushing.

Seohyun isn’t sure if he completely understands what she meant. Because she’s not thanking him for bringing back rotten jumper she left at his dorm last night, not at all. She’s thanking him for giving her happiness.

Afterall, one of the happiest things on earth is when you’re in love with someone who is more in love with you.

Ξ : douc, fandom: c.n. blue, ♥ : seohyun/yonghwa, fandom: snsd

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