Train No.159

May 15, 2011 21:53

Train No.159 [1/?]
An early birthday gift for brokenwonders because I love her~
a/n: not sure how many part this will be but either 2 or 3 parts should be enough for this fic.  Also, probably the lightest/happiest thing I have wrote in a while. And just so you know, this is  coffeeinlove  (Yuri on a new LJ account).

Train No.159 [1/?]

Foundation: possibly might not even be wearing some. Mascara: applied on perfectly with the skill of a professional. Hair: If she was to advertise the hair product she was using, it would sell like hot cakes. Yes, hair model - that was it. She surely was some kind of a hair model - and her hands, does she get her nail done every second days or something? And those legs, she could easily be a legging or even jeans model. He knows, he would hire her if he was somehow involved in the jean’s industry or whatever it’s called. What’s her name again? She’s pretty hot.

Choi Minho. An average 17 years old, SM trainee. Hormones raging like any other ordinary boys out there. Tired, worn out, sexually frustrated and a chance of some raging (particularly at Taemin) coming along pretty soon. He gulped down the remaining liquid in his water bottle, not even taking his eyes off the younger girl seated on the opposite side of train with the third book of the Harry Potter’s series in one hand and the other, clutching tightly onto one of the straps of her school bag. He had seen her around the main building a couple of time these past few days. He bet, she’s a part of that gigantic group of girl’s trainees that came in two weeks ago. She’s too pretty to even be real - with her flowing hair, milky skin, perfect composure, high bridge nose and he could go on all day about how surreal her beauty was.

“Yoo-hoo, earth to Choi Minho.”

Taemin asked with his stuck-on-puberty voice, waving his hand in front of Minho’s eyes and to make it more irritating, he was now resorting to clicking multiple times with his fat, stubby fingers. So fine, Lee Taemin was a little fifteen years old with a personality of a four years old and a proud owner or a brain the size of a pod of peas but does the ‘time-to-annoy-the-hyung’ part of his brain have to kick in now

“Shut up, Taemin. What do you want anyway?”

Minho swatted the boy’s hands away roughly, still refusing to take his eyes off the perfect angel. The copy of the book wasn’t the normal Korean ones that he would commonly see on the shelves of the book stores in Seoul. Surprisingly, it wasn’t even translated and was the original, English copy with the author’s autograph on it and everything. She must be a transfer then but from where? Tokyo, LA, Bejing, New York? Her specialty? Dancing? Singing? Acting? Being pretty? Of course, being pretty would be the perfect ‘thing’ for her.

“You’re so mean to me, hyung. I just wanted to tell you in advance that I’m getting off soon.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure. Good bye, have a good night, stay healthy, don’t forget to eat dinner, try not to get rape, happy Friday, whatever.”

He didn’t need to look at Taemin to know that he was staring bullet at him. Minho could care less if suddenly Taemin will temporally turned smart enough to realize what was on his mind or maybe, the kid won’t and will continue to think of him as a creep and tell all his other idiotic friends, when he get back to the company for training tomorrow. Not only does he have the talent in making Minho wants to throw a punch at him, he also has the biggest mouth that he had ever seen. He was pretty sure that if Taemin figure it out, it will spread to the girls too but he just couldn’t bring himself to take his eyes off her, it was like his eyes were glue to her - literally.

“Uh….don’t mean to be rude but hyung, we walk home together - remember? Yeah, we get off at the same stop - we live two blocks from each other.”

“Oh well, how the hell am I supposed to know, when you said ‘I’m’ getting off soon?”

Minho replied harshly - empathizing the word ‘I’m’, hoping that the younger boy would just take his excuse and leave it with that. Taemin shook his head lightly and in instinct, his hand reached for any object that would break skulls, SM need to add ‘manner’ and ‘respect’ to their class list or all their other trainees would come out like Taemin - thick, dumb and have no respect whatsoever.

“Sheesh, calm down would you? I’m just pointing out the fact, I don’t want you circling around the whole city aimlessly then get rape by some drunk ajusshi then end up on tomorrow’s firs -“

“Shut up, Taemin and when we debut, don’t talk unless they give you lines. I don’t want you ruining our image even before we get an official fan club’s name.”

Oh, god - please don’t tell him, the kid was going to pull the cry baby slash aegyo trick and fall to the ground and start throwing fits. Not in front of the girl, he won’t even stand a chance of getting her number and he would kill to at least get her email address - and he wouldn’t be able to wait an hour before emailing her to ask if she want to go out after the training session or get a cup of coffee. Minho let out a frustrated groan, using all the energy he has left - he shifted his eyes and turned all his attention to Taemin instead.

“Okay, dude. Listen to me, see that girl - she might not even be a human, could be an angel and she looks like she has never had a bad hair day in her life. Do you understand? She’s mind blowing beautiful and I. want. her. number. So unless you want to face your worst nightmare, you better help me and make me seems like the best hyung ever to been born on this face of earth.”

The kid looked like he was going to burst into tears any minute now - he had a feeling, he didn’t look anything that different either. Minho was like a kid standing next to a table with a cookie jar on top of it and was jumping up and down trying to reach for it. He held his breath, waiting for any kind of smile to appear on Taemin’s face so they could get pass this and he could finally get any form of contact number from her.

“Krys, it’s rude not to greet your sunbae, you know?”

Taemin lips immediately recovered from the previous frown and into his normal sickly cute smile as he let his bag dropped to the ground and launched right into the girl with his arms opened wide. Minho watched in terror as she finally look away from the eight hundred pages something book and flashed an angelic smile at his friend, her hair flipping just like in hair’s commercial. A guy like Taemin knows….her? Don’t even get him started.

“Sorry, Taemin oppa. I didn’t see you before, you know me and how I am with books.”

Taemin oppa? Someone please tell him, this is a dream and someone should wake him up before he faints. Minho stay seated tight in his seat, ignoring the announcement from the PR that it was now his stop. She flipped her hair once again as she jumped up from her seat and listened to Taemin go on intently. She doesn’t have a crush on him does she? Because that would make him more pathetic than he already was.

“Eh? No, I’m still pretty new to the building. I still get lost all the time, one time I went to the toilette instead of the dance studio instead because I read the map wrong.”

She giggled playing with her perfect curls. Even her laughs was pretty, her voice was as smooth as silk - how he could listen to her voice all day long and wouldn’t even lose the slightest bit of interest. His soon-to-be-member continued the chit chat with her, giving him an unreadable look once in a while. This better be good or little Taemin is going to get his ass kick tonight.

“Ah…yes, yes, I’ve seen him around before. Never got talking with him though….”

He will assume that they have now moved on from the just saying hello part and to the subject of ‘Do you know that handsome guy over there?’ The girl poked her head passed Taemin’s fram, pouting adorably as he finally got a clear view of her face and suddenly he felt like his knees were turning into jelly. To his disappointment, it wasn’t long until she turned back to his ‘friend’ and let him go on about all this crap like no tomorrow. Minutes later - which seemed like an eternity, after they had passed exactly five stops after his - after Taemin had finished his speech on his dead dog ‘Lulu’, after Minho had finally lost it and successfully break his bottle water into two halves. She got her bag, waved goodbye to the other boy and maybe even a small wink - not even bothering to glanced at him before she stepped off the train.

“Are you going to explain?”

Minho asked through gritted teeth as the smiling idiot walked unsteadily toward him. He watched with raised brows when the younger boy shook his head like he had been brainwashed and slumped down on the empty spot next to him.

“I swear she fell from heaven, don’t you think so too hyung? Oh and she said, she isn’t comfortable talking to some stalker - stranger”

Okay, maybe she was a pretty, small minded bitch - that could work for him too, it was kind of hot really.



Minho said shakily extending his sweaty hand out as he managed to choke out the simple word of greeting. She looked up from her book coldly, glancing at him up and down a few time before putting her ear phones back on - ignoring him and flipped over to the next page of her book, continuing to read Harry Potter like he didn’t exist. He cleared his throat loudly, trying to get the slightest bit of attention from her. Right, she probably can’t even hear him over that loud western music she was blasting on her mp3 player. Minho wasn’t going to give up that easily, he had already thrown his pride out of the door - he could hear his members mocking laughter from the other side of the train already, Jonghyun was practically falling out of his seats every pasting minutes and Key was being an annoying troll as always. He stood there, towering over her and started whistling while tapping his foot along obnoxiously.

“Don’t you have something better to do?”

Finally, he murmured to himself as he smiled at her innocently. She let out a long sigh of annoyance in reply as she shut the book loudly, earning disapproving looks from the adults surrounding them. Minho watched in confusion as she stuffed all the belongings in her hands into her daily pack. The small girl cursed under her breath, furiously trying to pull the zip all the way to the end. She was even cuter when she’s frustrated.

“Here, let me see.”

She looked at him hesitantly before passing him the bag with a small huff. Minho smirked in amusement, trying to figure out why the zip was stuck midway - first, she pulled on it too hard and second of all, a small part of her jacket was also stuck along with the zip itself.

“Can you hurry up? My stop is nex -“

“Name, please?”

“W - what?”

Minho smiled playfully as he held the bag up high - she was way too short to even stand a chance at getting it even if he was too lower it by a centimeter. She didn’t look frightened in anyway like he would have expected but instead, she folded her arms on her chest while glaring at him in disapproved. She was so cute, he might just give in.

“Tell me your name and I’ll fix it then you can have it back or someone’s going to have a long walk back home.”

She groaned loudly, jumping out and down - trying to get the strap. He only chuckled some more as he moved it back and forth - god, this was going way better than he had planned. Minho hate to torture her, they say first impression was extremely important but if she was going to play hard to get then he had no choice but to play along.

“Ugh…I give up, I give up.”

Minho smiled in triumphant while she only threw her arms up and down in rage as she paced around in a circle. He quickly but carefully, pulled the small part of the jacket off and zip her bag up completely. She stared at him in awe - she must be feeling stupid now, what a great evening this is. Taemin wasn’t here and for once, she was the one surprised and not him.

“Now, now, be a good girl and give me your name.”

“My name is….”

She smiled slyly - why was she smiling? She was supposed to be sulking and pouting and all those aegyo shit to get her bag back. Minho mouth formed an ‘O’ shape as she lifted her foot up high, showing how sharp the hell was.

“Fuck…fuc - shit, shit, shit!”

Minho screamed out like a little girl as her five inch heels dug into his foot, one time - two time. His grip loosened as she twisted her heels again and again, he could feel his world crumbling down as the bag dropped to the ground with a loud ‘thud’. He continued to scream out in pain as he got down on his knees, clutching on his foot while trying to reach for the bag but he was too late. She swiftly pulled it up from the ground, dusting the bag with a proud, rotten smile - glancing at him with the usual icy look, she would give him in normal circumstances.

“If you want to know my name that much then just asks Taemin. Talking about him, that reminds me - tell him to call me tonight.”

Seconds later, her station was called out and she was already on the go. Minho lied on the ground lifelessly, watching Key rolling on the ground, laughing hysterically with tears in his eyes on the other side of the train. She’s right - he could have just asked Taemin. Why did he have to go through all the trouble? And now, he has a sore foot with a possibly broken toe. He could be having a pleasant conversation with other girls who would die to have his company but no, it had to be her.

“Eh? You’re pretty cute, yourself when you’re in pain.”

To his surprise, she stopped on her track and came back to where he was lying. She smiled cutely, brushing his bang off his eye as she leant down close to his face. Minho felt his heart racing - she was so close, close enough for him to get a smell of her jasmine shampoo and certainly, close enough for him to get a close view of her lips. Just a little bit closer and he might just get a taste but he wouldn’t want to risk, getting more injured than he already was.”

“You like me? A lot?”

She asked smugly and Minho nodded furiously like an idiot - like Jinki. He liked her so much that it disgusted him and probably the rest of the people on this train too. That man sitting next to Taemin had gave up on reading his newspaper and decided that watching Minho making a fool himself was much more fascinating.

“You like me so much that you would do anything for me?

He nodded again, feeling himself growing anxious as she moved closer - her lips, dammit. Minho had to stuff his hands in the pockets and clutched the jean’s material to prevent himself from just grabbing her and kissing her senseless. He was positive, he was going to do anything for this girl here - he would even beat a girl up for her if that means he was going to get her number.

“Tomorrow as soon as soon as  I step foot in the dance studio, I want you to shout out how much you like me.....then - we’ll see how it goes.”

What have he just gotten himself into?

Ξ : douc, fandom: shinee, ♥ : krystal/minho, fandom: f(x)

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