apres moi

May 15, 2011 00:03

apres moi
340 w, pg (seohyun/yonghwa/kyuhyun)
you cannot break what isn't yours.

a/n: i miss the sweet potato couple. i also love seokyu. sigh.

There is nothing particularly special about this day. In fact, there is nothing special at all.

A summer haze usually leaves no fragments behind in her mind; eventually, the haze only swallows her up in sheer fabric and over sized sunglasses.There is nothing special about this day, if the calendar hasn't lied to her, yet gravity pulls and her heart aches. The silver band has grown and no longer fits around her finger. There are visible cracks in it now and her newfound talent of ignorance kicks in. She remembers when she was competent; she never meant to become incapable of feeling.

It happens, someone had told her, it's a part of life.

Her life, not theirs though - it was easy for them to say.

She wonders why she lets her feet imprint their marks against the beige carpet. Her other hand hangs loosely against her side, as if her arm was detached. Such bare, brittle bones. The ribbon that brings her back to that minuscule box is tight up and wound. She is sad, always, and indistinctive. The memories will inherit her soul, she knows. Her eyes water. Look at the ring closer; you'll see what you don't want to see. Indistinguishable memories are hidden in between the cracks. He was Yong. She was Hyun. Before they are; now they were. She can count the spaces in between her finger and the ring. It twirls effortlessly when before she had flesh to fill in the void. When she had him to fill up the void.

"Seohyun?" He says, aware that she is not here. She is there, with him, and not with him.

"Is it okay for me to miss him?" She asks quietly.

The answer is evident and their hearts crash. Nothing special, but gravity drags her down. This time around, his heart aches.

"Yeah, it is," Kyuhyun lies and kisses her softly. She won't miss him tomorrow, or the day after.

Seohyun nods and slips off the ring along with the memories.

Her heart lets go.

fandom: super junior, ♥ : seohyun/kyuhyun, ♥ : seohyun/yonghwa, fandom: snsd, Ξ : withoutchange

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