
Jan 25, 2009 22:20

To those who have not been seeing me on AIM: I am not dead, I swear. Just busy.

Answers to the 15 OTPS meme )

meme, two-dimensional men are hotter, anime is my anti-drug

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Comments 14

hiki_chan January 26 2009, 12:21:47 UTC
No more Sei x Su ever? That'd be sad.

Also, I'd like to say in defense of the Furuba manga that you need to get past the first half. Then things start to get *really* interesting. It's one of the best manga I ever read, and coming from me, I like to say that means something ^_^


kouriarashi January 28 2009, 04:32:24 UTC
Probably not ever. Sorry. The pairing really just doesn't inspire me anymore.

....that's funny what you say about the Furuba manga, since the two people I know who read it both say that the value has declined significantly lately, since it's focusing a lot on Yuki and his school adventures a lot. Either way, I'm not saying it's not good, just that I can't stand it because of the way Shigure is written. I know that it's canon, but to me it seems like character assassination, heh.


hiki_chan January 28 2009, 15:59:10 UTC
Which part of his character in the manga?
What I loved loved loved in the manga has always been that... cruel side to him while still seeming so ueber genki. I *loved* that.

BTW, in the later parts, you see most of the charas develop in a way that couldn't be shown in the anime, since the manga covers a much much longer time. Even though it is true that Yuki is present via two new schoolfriends, this has always seemed to me like a necessary "mirroring" of Tohru (and her two school friends). Because the manga is not about Tohru or the Soma family only, but about the Sohma family and their interaction with the "outside world".

Also, the artwork gets better with each volume - amazing!

As to Sei x Su..... let's see what the ultimate outcome of their story by Clamp will be ^_^ I still totally believe in them finishing all of their on-hiatus-manga such as X and Lawful Drug. ^_^ (It looks probable, too ^-^)

As to your moving: have fun and do one thing at a time ^_~


andrews23 January 26 2009, 18:00:54 UTC
I have to say that your Sei and Subaru fics were what really got me into this pairing. (And got me into reading Tokyo Babylon, despite knowing how horribly painful that series would end. XD) I know you're not interested in writing this pairing anymore, but I'm still holding onto a glimmer of hope that eventually you'll feel compelled to finish "Before I Wake." ^_~


kouriarashi January 28 2009, 04:33:31 UTC
My confession to make is that, erm, I never actually *read* much of Tokyo Babylon. Though I've read all of X, heh. And hey, anything's possible! BIW was actually one of my better X/TB fics, so every once in a while I get a guilty twinge about not finishing it. Then again, I get that guilty twinge about other stuff I'll probably never work on again, too. ^^;;;


yumearashi January 26 2009, 18:07:07 UTC
7 - yeah, I should have gotten this. But look at it this way, could be worse...*coughcoughKuroshitsujicough*

8 that's hardly making it canon....

12 - They could still have a child, though certainly it would be bittersweet. And I think that rather than being 'pulled out of his ass', the sudden random brutality of it was deliberate. One doesn't generally perceive a getaway driver as being at much risk, so when that happened, it quite effectively set the tone of the final confrontation that no one was safe. And I think that was the intention

14 - You're really right, there's something to be said for an older, more mature couple not subject to the stupidities of youth ^o^ And one occasionally prefers one's men to look like men and not pretty!boys (you know, just for a change of pace ^.^;;)

15 - I gave up on the manga. Half of each volume now is filler crap about Yuuki's student council adventures, and who the heck cares about that?


kouriarashi January 28 2009, 04:35:48 UTC
yeah, I should have gotten this. But look at it this way, could be worse...*coughcoughKuroshitsujicough*

True. At least Killua and Gon are *both* underage, which makes it less horrifying than a pairing like Sebastian/Ciel.

8 that's hardly making it canon....

It totally makes it canon! Straight guys do not put their arms around each other. ^^

12 - They could still have a child, though certainly it would be bittersweet. And I think that rather than being 'pulled out of his ass', the sudden random brutality of it was deliberate. One doesn't generally perceive a getaway driver as being at much risk, so when that happened, it quite effectively set the tone of the final confrontation that no one was safe. And I think that was the intentionIntentions aside, I've watched enough Joss Whedon to know that he kills characters just because he can, which always pisses me off. It probably would have bothered me less in the course of the actual series, where it would have had long-term consequences - but just tossed into the movie like that, it ( ... )


yumearashi January 28 2009, 17:11:37 UTC
Less horrifying indeed. Though I mantain I'm not to blame for them, the creators of that series are totally begging for it ^.^;;

*snerks* Take off the rose-colored rabid yaoi fangirl glasses, hon ^.~ (I've told you about the manga about a rabid yaoi fangirl, right?)

Well, that a valid point. And he sure does seem to be against happy endings for romances x.x

Touche Cecil :p

I started reading the manga because I wanted to know what happened with the curse; as much as I loved the anime, they left that rather significant plot point unresolved x.x And it wasn't mad, until they started with the filler drivel. The series could have been completed in 18 volumes easily.


dyxlisa January 26 2009, 22:56:35 UTC
2 - Quatre is my favorite too ♥

5 - lol yeah, no way I ever would have gotten that. I watched like half an episode. XD

8 - I feel like I should have gotten that, but I only ever watched the first half of Get Backers. Still, they really are so perfect for each other orz

9 - ...yeah I totally should have been able to figure this one out. I guess I forgot FMA came out around that time too. XD;

12 - *cries a lot*

15 - Somehow, I did manage to get myself to read the whole manga (took me awhile), and...well, let's say I own the anime boxset and was considering selling off what I owned of the manga. Though there was some good stuff (I am actually a rare yuki fangirl orz), the manga just didn't have the same magic for me.


knkfics January 28 2009, 04:38:15 UTC
2 - Quatre is my favorite too ♥

I have major hearts for all innocent-looking-but-badass characters. =D

5 - lol yeah, no way I ever would have gotten that. I watched like half an episode. XD

It truly is awful, isn't it? =D

8 - I feel like I should have gotten that, but I only ever watched the first half of Get Backers. Still, they really are so perfect for each other orz

They totally are. The second half is worth watching, though the Mugenjou arc is definitely the best storyline.

9 - ...yeah I totally should have been able to figure this one out. I guess I forgot FMA came out around that time too. XD;

It's my only het pairing. XD And it really is way better in the manga.

12 - *cries a lot*

*hands out tissues*

15 - Somehow, I did manage to get myself to read the whole manga (took me awhile), and...well, let's say I own the anime boxset and was considering selling off what I owned of the manga. Though there was some good stuff (I am actually a rare yuki fangirl orz), the manga just didn't have the same magic for me.Ah! Another ( ... )


dyxlisa January 28 2009, 05:35:30 UTC
2 - omg yes, I love sweet, cheery characters who can fuck you up and then probably apologize afterwards. (lol)

5 - I hate to judge shows when I haven't really watched them but...yeah. it was BAD. XD

8 - I definitely need to watch the 2nd half of it sometime. Though it's been so long, I might as well start over and watch the Mugenjou arc too. ♥

9 - I love the anime, but they are truly awesome in the manga.

15 - ...no way, other Yuki fangirls exist!?? (I think the long-lost sibling idea is the best explanation here, our tastes are truly frighteningly similar. I think I know your shows/pairings better than I know my best friends'. D:) I also loved Kyou and the rest of the cast, but Yuki was my favorite, and I also liked Yuki/Tohru. One time at a convention when I answered that my favorite Furuba character was Yuki, the response was "Yuki!? EWW!!" Though it WAS a bunch of 12-year-old girls (seriously--I wish I was making this up). That's a pretty good representation of a good portion of the fandom though.


velithya January 26 2009, 23:38:07 UTC

Clearly Zoe is pregnant, and the baby will grow up without his/her father. (But with a bunch of surrogate stand-ins who will look after him/her. Except Jayne, Jayne is not allowed to be alone with the baby.)


kouriarashi January 28 2009, 04:38:41 UTC
.....if there isn't a fanfic of that, there totally should be.


velithya January 28 2009, 09:52:41 UTC
....you should write it! *hides*


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