(no subject)

Jan 25, 2009 22:20

To those who have not been seeing me on AIM: I am not dead, I swear. Just busy.

1) Introduced me to wank. I happen to like writing him as a human being, okay?

Seishirou/Subaru, X/99.

This was my first pairing ever. I mean, seriously, ever. Not that X or TB was my first anime (that was Fushigi Yuugi, heh), but let me put it this way: back when Karasu told me about Seishirou/Subaru, I was confused that they were both guys. CONFUSED. I kept thinking that her pronouns were messed up. Can we say 'years before I got into yaoi', boys and girls?

It was also the first pairing I ever 'shipped, the first pairing I ever wrote, et cetera. I've written it probably a dozen different ways over my checkered career in the X fandom, and at least half of those ways got me into trouble. I guess the reason is because I just don't find the pairing interesting if there's no chance that Seishirou will ever have feelings. Just like the bet wouldn't have been interesting. There's no point in a bet you know you'll win.

Anyway, long story short, they're super hot and I still heart them together for all time. But I'll probably never write them again.

2) The lesser-known mathematical equation. Stop writing him like a girl because he wears pink, please.

Quatre/Trowa, Gundam Wing

Let's be honest here: I love Heero/Duo. I used to read it all the time. But Quatre is my favorite character, so this pairing is my OTP. Which is funny since I never really liked Gundam Wing that much. In fact, I haven't even seen it all, because I kept falling asleep during the second half. There are GW fanfics which I like *way* more than the actual series.

Anyway, despite the fact that 99% of fandom bastardizes Quatre and writes him as a wimpy little girl, he's hardcore and badass and I heart this pairing even though Trowa is relatively uninteresting comparatively. XD

3) "You two bicker like an old married couple."

Sirius/Remus, Harry Potter.

I really think that quote says it all. THEY ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. Despite what HP canon says. So there. =D

4) Best fanfiction I've ever written.

Tsuzuki/Hisoka, Yami no Matsuei.

What can I *not* say about this pairing. It is my one true OTP, and I know that's redundant, but it's still true. I heart them so very, very, very much. Also, the Live Through arc is one of the best fanfics I ever wrote.

5) The flower symbolizes a gay orgy!

Lui/Naoji/Ed/Orphe (Meine Liebe)

....or maybe Ed/Naoji/Lui/Orphe.... or Orphe/Ed/Lui/Naoji.... nah, Orphe could never be seme. *cough*

This anime is terrible. I mean, it's TERRIBLE. Also, it's totally hilarious. And everyone in it, down to, like, the random people who appear on the street, is gay. The whole series is an orgy waiting to happen.

And though a Weiss orgy is an equally good guess, I don't actually like any of the members of Weiss except Omi, so, no. ^_^

6) Bad anime, no characterization. Somehow I still know they're meant for each other.

Brad/Schuldig (Weiss Kreuz)

Ha ha, this anime is terrible. Same with Gundam Wing: there are fanfics that did it *so* much better. In the meanwhile, despite being totally underdeveloped villains, Schuldig is so remorselessly evil and wild, and Brad so cold and calculating and *put upon*, that they are perfect for each other.

This also could have been Omi/Nagi, who are also totally meant for each other. I just like Brad/Schu better for no particular reason.

7) They're twelve! They're twelve! Stop slashing them, brain!

Killua/Gon (Hunter x Hunter).

THEY TALK ABOUT RED STRINGS. Srsly. They are the gayest twelve years old in the history of EVER and also they are so freakin' perfect for each other than I completely ship them even though I don't ever want to think about Gon having sex.

....this also could have been Nokoru/Suoh (CLAMP Campus Detectives), whom I also ship despite being twelve, though less vehemently.

8) The last 30 seconds of the anime make this canon. I squeed.

Ban/Ginji, Get Backers

I spent the entire anime worshipping these two for the way they so flawlessly worked together and knew each other *so well* and were utterly perfect for each other, and then after the credits rolled Ban PUT HIS ARM AROUND GINJI and Ginji sort of LEANED AGAINST HIM and it was so gay and canon and perfect. Yes. (Neechan, I can't believe you didn't get this!)

9) Yes, it's het. Yes, there's a girl. Yes, I still like it.

Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye, Fullmetal Alchemist.

There has never been a woman more badass than Riza Hawkeye. I so seriously heart her. And I totally heart Roy, too. In the anime they were just sort of okay together, but in the MANGA, geez, in that epic manga I love so much more than the anime, they are perfect together. Roy freaks out when he thinks Riza might get killed, and Riza freaks out when she thinks Roy's been killed, and they have BACKSTORY and they served in Ishbal TOGETHER and... I'll stop foaming at the mouth now.

10) The Burial chapters made this pairing for me.

Gojyo/Hakkai, Saiyuki

I've always loved these two together, but their backstory just makes them more perfect. Even though I don't really "get" Hakkai, so to speak (does anyone?), I still totally love this pairing.

11) One of my first OTPs. Practically canon. But then again, it's CLAMP.

Touya/Yuki, Card Captor Sakura

This may as well be canon. Damn, CLAMP introduced me to a lot of gay, didn't they. These two are way too cute together to be denied. XD

12) Fuck you, Joss Whedon. Fuck you sideways.

Zoe/Wash, Firefly


13) I still like this pairing even though the series has turned to shonen crap, IMHO.

Naruto/Gaara, Naruto

Even if I get shunned for saying this, I stopped reading/watching/liking Naruto about halfway through the arc where Sasuke ran off to have his head surgically implanted up his ass. I just couldn't stand a manga devoted to watching him totally fuck up his life and everyone's lives around him like it was totally okay and all the fans still liked him anyway. It made me growl.

On the other hand, Gaara totally needs Naruto in his life, period. HE's so broken and sad and yet so AWESOME when he's Kazekage (okay, maybe I didn't totally stop reading, I skimmed for a little while afterwards), and even though Naruto himself doesn't do much for me, I really like him with Gaara. ^^

14) I thought these two were too old to ship, and then he said "Hey, handsome."

Kyouraku/Ukitake, Bleach

....because Bleach doesn't have enough gay in it. *cough* No, uhm, seriously? These two are just perfect for each other. Fics were Ukitake is sick and Kyouraku is nursing him are the sweetest fics ever. And somehow the fact that they're kind of old only makes the pairing better.

15) I love this pairing in the anime and hate it in the manga. Whoda thunk?

Shigure/Hatori, Fruits Basket

Actually, it's probably most accurate to say that I hate the manga, period. *sweatdrop* Maybe it's because I saw the anime first, but I can't stand Shigure in the manga. In the anime, however, these two are really cute together, and Hatori really needs somehow like Shigure to keep his spirits up. (And frankly I'm surprised that not all the Jyuunishi are gay out of self defense, heh.)

It's funny, and maybe this has something to do with why I stopped writing fics, but my two current anime/manga obsessions (One Piece and D. Gray-Man) don't really have any pairings that I really heart. There are characters I adore, but no pairings.

So maybe I can't write fanfiction without a pairing to spur me on? This could be an interesting look at my psyche someday.

On the other hand, there are tons of pairings on this list that I've never written fic for, so maybe I'm just talking out my ass.

meme, two-dimensional men are hotter, anime is my anti-drug

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