(no subject)

Jan 21, 2009 15:20

'Cause everyone is doing it!

Pick up to 15 OTPs.
Describe them in less than (or equal to) 15 words.
Have your flist guess the OTP.

Though I'm not sure of where the profit comes in. Some of these took *work*. I wasn't sure I even had 15 OTPs. Heh. Good luck!

1) Introduced me to wank. I happen to like writing him as a human being, okay?

Seishirou/Subaru (TB and X/99) - guessed by zanzou_chan

2) The lesser-known mathematical equation. Stop writing him like a girl because he wears pink, please.

Trowa/Quatre (Gundam Wing) - guessed by andrews23

3) "You two bicker like an old married couple."

Remus/Sirius (Harry Potter) - guessed by kthxrawr

4) Best fanfiction I've ever written.

Tsuzuki/Hisoka (Yami no Matsuei) - guessed by zanzou_chan

5) The flower symbolizes a gay orgy!

6) Bad anime, no characterization. Somehow I still know they're meant for each other.

Brad/Schuldig (Weiss Kreuz) - guessed by dyxlisa

7) They're twelve! They're twelve! Stop slashing them, brain!

Killua/Gon (Hunter x Hunter) - guessed by dyxlisa

8) The last 30 seconds of the anime make this canon. I squeed.

9) Yes, it's het. Yes, there's a girl. Yes, I still like it.

10) The Burial chapters made this pairing for me.

Gojyo/Hakkai (Saiyuki) - guessed by dyxlisa

11) One of my first OTPs. Practically canon. But then again, it's CLAMP.

Touya/Yuki (Card Captor Sakura) - guessed by dyxlisa

12) Fuck you, Joss Whedon. Fuck you sideways.

Zoe/Wash (Firefly) - guessed by zanzou_chan

13) I still like this pairing even though the series has turned to shonen crap, IMHO.

Gaara/Naruto (Naruto) - guessed by dyxlisa

14) I thought these two were too old to ship, and then he said "Hey, handsome."

Kyouraku/Ukitake (Bleach) - guessed by yumearashi

15) I love this pairing in the anime and hate it in the manga. Whoda thunk?

Shigure/Hatori (Fruits Basket) - guessed by dyxlisa

meme, two-dimensional men are hotter, anime is my anti-drug

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