(no subject)

Jan 16, 2009 14:44

Last night I had a very weird dream. It was a Supernatural/D. Gray-Man crossover.

Now, of all the funny crossovers for my brain to come up with, this one actually isn't as wacky as it seems. It was present day, so Sam and Dean were in their usual time period. The only D. Gray-Man character carry-over was the Millenium Earl - and it's not unreasonable to think that he might still exist, providing that Allen never got around to kick his ass. Or maybe even if he did.

All I really remember about the dream was that Sam and Dean were wandering around some abandoned hospital a la the Asylum episode. Sam got his ass handed to him by the Millenium Earl. Dean freaked out a bit. The Earl laughed at them both. The Earl was doing something musical - building a new arc, maybe? And Dean ruined it by somehow copying Bruce Springsteen music over the music that was supposed to be on the record. And then the Earl got angry at them and blew up the building, and I woke up.

.....yeah. Subconscious? I think you need some therapy.

(PS - I should totally write this fic.)

anime is my anti-drug, boredom makes me random

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