(no subject)

Jan 29, 2009 13:18

A real life update! Because I am home with not much to do.

First off, to those who haven't been seeing me on AIM, I've been trying an experiment: namely, am I more productive if I don't sign on AIM in the evenings? (The answer so far seems to be yes and no. If I'm in the mood to write, I'm a *lot* more productive if I'm not on AIM. But if I'm not in the mood to write, being on AIM or not being on AIM makes relatively no difference.) The experiment will be over at the end of this week and then I should be on AIM again, at least most of the time.

We are all moved into the new house! There are no pictures because as of yet we've still got a lot of crap lying around. But, pictures will be forthcoming. At some point.

We cannot get our mail because there are communal mailboxes and our landlord doesn't know which one is ours. *eyeroll* A trip to the post office is scheduled in the near future. I need to do our taxes, but can't until I get my school loan tax forms. Which... are probably sitting in our mailbox. *sigh* Since we can't buy a washer/dryer until we get our tax return, this vexes me.

Our heat broke at some point during the move-in process, which is why I'm home right now, waiting for the guy to come fix it. Apparently the AC sprang a leak and leaked all over the circuitboard, thus destroying the entire unit, basically. He is coming sometime today. While I'm not thrilled about our house having no heat, unexpected afternoon off is unexpected! And fantastic. And at least I live in Arizona - the inside temperature is dropping into the low 60s at night, but it hasn't gotten any colder than that, which is uncomfortable but by no means unbearable. It's 65 degrees in here right now and I'm fine in a sweater and slippers, except that my hands are cold.

As far as the rest of it goes, new house is fantastic! =D

My computer is working fairly well, except that IE crashes about 50% of the time I try to open it, which has led to me basically just leaving a copy open all the time.

Work is stressful, when is it not, blah blah blah. One Piece's current arc is made of win. D. Gray-Man needs to come off hiatus. Uh... oh, and Merlin? Is awesome. That show is terrible, yet I'm loving it to bits. How do the British do stuff like that, ha ha. Also, Anthony Stewart Head is in it. And even though he needs to lose weight and stop acting like a douche, he's *Anthony Stewart Head* and that makes it all better.

/real-life update

housedom, big bad world, anime is my anti-drug, boredom makes me random

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