
Dec 13, 2009 04:22

Character: Shigeka Narushige
Series: Silver Diamond
Age: 21

Canon: One day, Senroh Chigusa, a mysterious man bearing a wooden rifle, falls into the garden of Sawa Rakan, who's a seemingly normal high school student. After mistaking Rakan for an evil Prince with the same face, Chigusa tells Rakan he's a sanome, a living acolyte for all sorts of plants, and that he's from another dimension where plants are used to make everyday tools. With Rakan by his side, Chigusa can keep fighting since he can grow his weapons, and thus he tells him he'll protect him at all costs. After two more people fall into his garden, one of them Shigeka Narushige, Rakan ends up following them back to their world to help them save it from the Prince and his plans of destruction.

Shigeka Narushige is considered an ill omen because he's the only male to have ever been born into an all female clan. When he was a child, his mother offered him as a sacrifice to a divine giant snake, but was spared because the snake chose to let him live, if only for the time being. However, because of this, Narushige deeply dislikes his mother, and keeps an emotional distance from his family as much as he can. He's a gentle person at heart, but can be viciously protective of the people he cares about, and is almost like a smart and caring big sister brother. He doesn't really hold himself in high esteem, is modest and perhaps a bit of a prude, and as one of the Shigeka, Narushige possesses such otherworldly beauty that he's mistaken for a woman quite often. Don't confuse his tender nature and delicate appearance as something weak though. Narushige is an incredibly talented and pretty deadly swordsman, wielding his companion snake, Kou, who's able to transform into a sword.


Ah, when I was asking for the exit, I didn't expect the wildlife and population here to be so determined to show me around and insist this is where I'm from. While I appreciated the concern, I didn't favour being told that I couldn't leave. I have a lot of things to do where I come from, and being pulled like this into another world is a bit confusing, even if it's nothing new to me. My guides were a bit wobbly, to be honest, and they didn't exactly prove helpful in finding the dimension portal back. It's bound to be somewhere here, and yes I did agree with them that the camp greenery is amazing, and that the lake looks very nice, --though that colour seems very unhealthy--, but I assure you they are not reason enough for me to stay and believe it's my own world.

I'm afraid I managed to hurt some of your friends by accident, and I certainly hope it's nothing you'll begrudge me for, since you were the only ones who stayed behind. I didn't quite expect that their arms would fall off, and I'm regretful for that. Hurting others isn't something I particularly enjoy, and if I were back home, I know someone who would scold me for it. But it's rather troublesome that I lost my partner somewhere, so might I ask you a question? You wouldn't happen to have seen a white snake nearby? He's about a meter long, rather noisy, and interested in all sorts of new things. So I figured he'd gone off by himself to explore, but now I can't find him again. It's rather crucial that I retrieve him, because I wouldn't want to leave without him. His name is Kou, by the way.

I beg your pardon? I should look for a plain with snakes? No, I haven't seen any plains with snakes around, much less many open areas not grown over by this forest. You think Kou would be on this plain and... what? Now you're just getting ridiculous. I know very well that plains do not fly. You can't be thinking straight. Is this why you keep moaning for brains? I'm sorry, you did say "plains", not "brains" just now, right? Hm, sadly your vocabulary seems only a tiny bit better than your companions. I don't trust you though.

No matter how helpful and harmless you may be, I can't stop being suspicious of a group of walking dead. I'm not going to believe you when you continue to stress that this is indeed my world, because it's definitely not. For one, we may have a lot of useful things growing from plants, but we certainly don't have trees that grow... uh, underwear. Aha, it's very nice, but I don't really want to examine it closer, as I have no need of those. No, please, I insist. It's not necessary. I didn't imply I was shy, I just meant I don't have time for this. You assert I'm essential here but you fail to clearly specify why, and now try to convince me to take off my clothes? You're rather rude. Excuse me? A what kind of sacrifice? "Like a virgin"? A female virgin? That's-- No, I don't see how I can help you with that, really. So please leave me alone and let me back to my own world before I have to resort to violence.

... "Yes ma'am"?

I'm sorry, but I'm not a woman. ... No, of course you can't check to be sure!

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