Title:Snowman Pairing:George/Oliver Rating:PG-13 Summary:It's just a week until the Yule Ball and George makes an arrangement with Oliver... Disclaimer:J.K Rowling's,not mine ( Snowman )
Title:Jealousy Pairing:George/Oliver Rating:PG-13 Summary: Summary:George has a hard time,Fred won't talk to him and Oliver gets jealous for George's partner in the Yule Ball... Disclaimer:J.K Rowling's,not mine
Title:I'm probably dreaming Pairing:George/Oliver Rating:PG-13 Summary:Is George ready to take their relationship to the next level? Disclamer:J.K Rowling's,not mine
Title:Out of control Pairing:George/Oliver Rating:PG-13 Summary:George struggles with his feelings,trying to ensure himself that it's something that will pass,but what about Oliver? Disclaimer:J.K Rowling's,not mine
Title:Awakening feelings Pairing:George/Oliver Rating:PG-13 Summary:Oliver and George have feelings for each other they don't yet understand... Disclaimer:J.K Rowling's,not mine