Cold and Tired

Jan 11, 2007 08:48

Narrative: Open
Characters: Kiba and who ever else. 
General Setting: Inside the Gama building, and out side the mail building
Summary: Kiba is getting a tab bored
Warnings: None so far

Kiba walked slowly out side of the building. Being outside was better. No matter what one might say to him. He looked up, and tilted his head. It was getting late, he ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

deershadow January 11 2007, 19:57:01 UTC
"Agreed," Shikamaru replied, his voice cutting through the cold air. He made his way slowly around the edge of the building, skirting around puddles and the scattered bits of slushy mud as much as he could. He'd begun the morning with a slight sense of optimism about the happenings of the day, but now that the sun was setting and the day was closer to ending, Shikamaru was right back where he usually was... bored.

"But you know..." he continued, plunking himself down on the ground a few feet away from the other boy and leaning back on his hands. "The clouds are really nice for looking at."


Kiba deershadow January 12 2007, 21:40:49 UTC
Kiba lifted his head to see the other boy. Eyes just watching him as he sat on the cold ground just as carelessly as himself. Kiba looked up at the sky, where the clouds swirled in all sorts of ways but couldn't help but create a rude, "pfft" sound.

"Clouds?" He started looking up at the other with a very confused look. "They're nice I guess... But,looking at them thoguh? I don't know. That seems rather stupid." He said rubbing Akamaru's head who really seemed to be spaceing out.


Kiba okumiiya January 12 2007, 21:46:10 UTC
(Eep, that's me. Didn't log in.)


haruno_kura January 12 2007, 00:18:42 UTC
(finally someone posting somewhere I can go DX)

Sakura stepped outside and stretched, glad for the fresh air. She looked around at the snow covered landscape and saw a boy and a dog.
"Are pets even allowed here?" She said to herself then headed over to see. She was bored after all since classes hadn't begun and a new face would be interesting.


Kiba haruno_kura January 12 2007, 21:44:02 UTC
(Psh, tell me about it)

Kiba was interested in talking to this, 'cloud man', but had to glance slightly at the other figure. He kept a good eye locked on the other student who was walking about.

Never before had he seen this student. Probably because he didn't care all to much for others. Kiba shrugged, looking back at Shikamaru, but had Akamaru looking right at the other.

It was like having four sets of eyes.


Re: Kiba haruno_kura January 13 2007, 08:17:58 UTC
Sakura looked at the dog and then the boy,ignoring Shikamaru for the moment. "Hello, I'm 'Kura. who are you? and what's your dogs name? are you allowed to have pets here?" She asked excitedly.


Re: Kiba okumiiya January 14 2007, 17:40:28 UTC
Kiba looked up at the other student. "Kiba."
Kiba said bluntly, holding out his hand, then pat the ground as if she wanted to sit. Or, he is what this person was trying to be in an all boys school.
"This little dog, is Akamaru." He smiled, petting his head sevral times. "And, yes and no. I shouldn't have him inside, but what some don't know woun't hurt 'em right?" He said laughing.


deershadow January 13 2007, 00:19:06 UTC
"Stupid or not, it's a nice activity to indulge in when you don't want to worry about thinking." Shikamaru kept his gaze on the quickly darkening sky for a few moments, looking away only to give 'Kura a quick once-over, acknowledging the other student's presence with a curt "Yo". So she hasn't been caught yet... not bad...

Giving up on any sense of posture he might've been holding onto, Shikamaru let his arms go loose beneath him, flopping messily onto the cold ground. He could hear his mother in his head, fussing over the dirt that was sure to be collecting on the back of his jacket, but he pushed those thoughts away quickly to avoid giving himself a headache.


Kiba okumiiya January 13 2007, 03:30:07 UTC
Kiba just looked at him with a rather blanke stare. Then looked away.
"I guess you're right." He said rubbing his cheeks. "I mean, there isn't much to think about right now." He pet Akamarus back a few times.
"Teachers just arn't around, and crap is flooding the school." He sighed.

"Worse of all, people don't like me haveing my dog in the buildings." He smirked. "But, I can't leave Akamaru, can I?" He laughed. His eyes kept wandering to 'Kura. He couldn't not look that way. His mind told him to keep looking.

Not really the sharpest pencil in the box, he was brain dead to who this person was. Then thought some more. "Hrm, about what I said earlier. About me not thinking about too much, I was wrong. I just proved myself wrong."


deershadow January 15 2007, 02:39:45 UTC
Shikamaru raised an eyebrow at the other boys words. Doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the box, but he's nice enough. That's nothing to scoff at in a school full of ninja.

"Can I pet him?" Shikamaru asked, stretching his hand out in Akamaru's direction.


Kiba okumiiya January 15 2007, 14:26:04 UTC
Kiba looked down, then picked up Akamaru. "Sure." He said putting his small dog down infront of Shikamaru.

All Akamaru did was stair up at him with wide eyes. Not really careing what was going on, but his tail kept wagging. So at least Kiba knew he was happy.


Re: Kiba deershadow January 15 2007, 21:36:18 UTC
Shikamaru closed the distance between the dog and himself somewhat slowly, making sure to keep his palm facing up until he made contact with the Akamaru's fur. No need to mess up a calm situation by scaring the pup into biting me.

Scratching softly under the dogs chin, Shikamaru turned to look at the other boy for a moment. "He seems well trained. I assume that's your doing?"


Kiba okumiiya January 16 2007, 12:21:49 UTC
"My last name isn't Inuzuka for no reason. Of course I trained him." He said smileing. "He's a really good dog. He's really my best freind, so I'm always happy to have him around. Pluse, some others like him. Only a few. They all think he'll bite." Kiba said rubbing the back of his head.

"He looks happy now." Kiba said looking at his dogs face, which looked rather calm and happy.


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