Cold and Tired

Jan 11, 2007 08:48

Narrative: Open
Characters: Kiba and who ever else. 
General Setting: Inside the Gama building, and out side the mail building
Summary: Kiba is getting a tab bored
Warnings: None so far

Kiba walked slowly out side of the building. Being outside was better. No matter what one might say to him. He looked up, and tilted his head. It was getting late, he knew that. While the sky grew slightly darker, pinks and purples lined the sky. He sighed, rubbing his head. Why must it get darker so much quicker in the winter?

That's probably why Kiba loved summer so much. He walked crossing his arm, while akamaru walked slowly behind him. What was there to do now? It was way to cold to go running again. It was still light out though, why make the day just die without a purpose? Well, it did have one. It always had one.

Kiba stuffed his hands in his pockets, now annoyed again. He tussled with his hair for a few seconds before becoming bored with it. He sat on the cold ground, and began to pet Akamaru. "Man boy, this bites." Kiba scoffed, rubbing his nose with his sleeve. "To cold... Always to freakin' cold." He ranted.

All he got from Akamaru was a confused look. Akamaru knew it was cold. He had fur though. Kiba envied that. Petting his freind once more he sat looking up at the sky. "There's never anything to do around here..."
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