Jan 12, 2007 18:42

Narrative: Complete (log)
Characters: Deidara, Tobi
General Setting: Gama house first floor. Corridor outside/just inside Tobi's room, mostly.
Summary:. Deidara goes to give Tobi his scarf back. Tobi's eye is creepy.
Warnings: .. Tobi's eye is creepy?

Deidara was not best pleased. He didn't want to be outside Tobi's room - partially because that weird Gaara kid kept giving him the evil eye whenever he was round here (he was sure that 'evil eye' Gaara's default setting and it was nothing personal, but it still bothered him), but mostly because ew. Willingly going to where Tobi was would only encourage him. Deidara didn't want to encourage him.

But Tobi had left his stupid scarf behind and he'd only pester Deidara about whether he'd seen it and then he'd have to lie and then Tobi would want him to help look for it and it would all be far more trouble than it was worth ...

Deidara sighed irritatedly and knocked on the door.

Tobi was not happy lately. In fact he was rather sad. Most of the time he was quite the bundle of smiles (much to Deidara's annoyance though Tobi couldn't quite figure out why).

It was just that once in a while, like every other child in his position, Tobi got to missing his mummy.

He looked up at the knock at the door and sniffed, rubbing his nose. He put the picture frame down on his bed and shuffled over to the door, pulling it open.

"Deidara-senpai?" His single eye brightened a bit, but not quite as much as usual.

Deidara held the scarf out to Tobi rather roughly. "You left this behind, you idiot. Take better care of your stuff, un."

He didn't spot the difference in Tobi's usual mood immediately. He did notice, but chose not to remark on it. Everyone felt down sometimes, right? Not his problem if Tobi was feeling miserable. None of his business, in fact.

"Oh." Tobi nodded somberly, taking the scarf. "Tobi is sorry, Deidara-senpai." He sniffled - he still had a cold, but this was a different kind of sniffle.

"Don't apologise to me, un - well, actually, do, I'm the one who had to bring it all the way over here ..." He trailed off, frowning at Tobi. "What's the matter?" he asked, hating himself for it. The question didn't carry any kind of reassurance with it - rather, it was curious and faintly suspicious, as though he thought Tobi was deliberately trying to lure him into sympathy.

"Tobi misses his mummy." Tobi shifted slightly from foot to foot, looking up at Deidara with one glistening amber eye.

Deidara's frown went from suspicious to annoyed, and he rolled his eye. "You miss your mummy? What are you, six?"

Tobi cringed slightly. (He was always more susceptible to Deidara's scorn when he was feeling down.) "Tobi is sorry," he said again, quietly. "But he does."

"You only just got back here, what's your problem?" Deidara folded his arms, looking down at Tobi with a fair deal of curiosity in there with the derision. He wasn't asking just to humiliate Tobi. Aside from that, he just didn't get it.

"Tobi didn't see her on break."

Deidara raised his eyebrow. There were all kinds of remarks he could have made about how Tobi was so annoying that was no surprise, but ... he left off. (He wasn't Sasori-danna, after all.)

".. How come?"

"Because she's not there. Tobi hasn't seen her since he was this big." Tobi made a measurement with his hand relative to the floor to show how tall he'd been at the time - not very tall, by the looks of it.

"Oh." Deidara's brow furrowed. "Why not, un?" Tact was for losers.

"'Cause she died." Tobi's voice was barely audible now.

".. Oh." There was a brief silence, and then, "Well - buck up. It's not like being sad about it's gonna get you anywhere, un."

Tobi blinked quickly, reaching up to rub at his eye. "...It's not okay to miss mummy?"

Deidara hesitated. "Well - it is, but - you don't have to get all sniffly about it."

"But Tobi can't help it..."

"Well there's no point!" Deidara said, rather more forcefully than was strictly necessary. "Being sad is stupid, un. It doesn't help anything."

Tobi's shoulders slumped. "Tobi is sorry, Deidara-senpai. Tobi will try and be less sad...Tobi just...really, really misses his mummy, because she was nice and she smelled good."

Deidara looked away. "Nn. Well. It's in the past. The past doesn't matter."

Tobi reached up to rub at his eyepatch absentmindedly. "...It doesn't?"

"No," Deidara said firmly. "Only thing that ever matters is now, un."

"So Tobi should just...forget about his parents?"

Both of them? Hooboy. "... Un."

"But..." Tobi's lower lip trembled slightly despite his apparent efforts to keep it still. "Tobi doesn't want to forget mummy and daddy. They loved Tobi. Tobi loves them,"

"But there's no point in that if they're gone," Deidara pointed out, with a lack of sensitivity that bordered on the incredible.

Tobi sucked in a little breath, that little breath that always comes right before the tears. "But...Auntie said Tobi shouldn't forget them..." He blinked quickly again, biting his lip.

Deidara sighed, almost apologetically. "Aw hell Tobi don't cry ..."

Too late. Tobi lifted one hand to his good eye as the waterworks started up; the boy whimpered quietly as tears streamed down his face - down both sides of his face.

"Oh come on ... Come on, crying's for babies," Deidara insisted rather desperately, "you're not a baby, un ..."

"T-Tobi can't help it," Tobi stammered, reaching up to wipe away the tears from his good eye. "Tobi really, really misses them..."

Well shit. Deidara drew away a little - not quite to the extent of taking a step back, but he immediately felt a little ... guilty for it. Ew, what was that? He frowned at Tobi as though this was directly the other boy's fault, and stopped. "Get - get a hanky or something ..."

"Tobi doesn't have one..." Tobi sniffed again, reaching up to brush away the tears that had leaked from beneath his eyepatch.

Deidara sighed and reached into his own pocket. He held the handkerchief to Tobi in the same brusque way he'd handed over the scarf, impatient for Tobi to just take it already.

Tobi hiccupped and took the handkerchief. "Thanks, Deidara-senpai..." He wiped at his eye before promptly blowing his nose on the handkerchief, and held it out for Deidara to take again, sniffling.

Deidara stared at the handkerchief rather disgustedly. "Er, no, you can keep it, un ..."

"Oh - okay..." Tobi didn't think twice about tucking the handkerchief into his pocket, though he didn't seem to look much happier. If anything, he looked the worse for it, forced to hold everything in.

Deidara frowned, glancing at the eyepatch. He knew Tobi had been crying from under there too. He'd seen it. "Aren't you gonna wipe the other eye?" he asked - to be honest, rather curious about what Tobi was hiding.

Tobi blinked up at Deidara and shook his head. "No," he said, simply.

Deidara blinked. "Why not? What've you got under there, anyway?"

"My eye," Tobi said patiently. "Tobi's not allowed to show it to anyone."

Deidara frowned. "Un? How come? What's wrong with it?"

"Tobi had...an accident," Tobi answered, voice dropping again. That had been just before his parents had...

Well, that was familiar territory - as far as Deidara could tell so far, anyway. "An accident?" He attempted a smile, hoping Tobi would catch it. Tobi being miserable sort of set the whole world out of joint. "I had one too, here, I'll show you my eye if you show me yours, un .."

Tobi blanched. "Oh, um - no, Auntie says Tobi mustn't show anyone..."

Deidara frowned curiously. "Why not?"

"Because..." Well, Tobi didn't really have any reason other than because Auntie had told him to - (Well, he had an idea but that was a very big secret, as far as he knew.) "Because Auntie said so."

As far as Deidara was concerned that was not sufficient reason. "Oh, c'mon, you can show me ... it can't be worse than mine, un."

"But - but Auntie said it's a big no..."

"I bet she was just worried people would tease you, un. But I'm not gonna, 'cause my eye's ugly, too, look." With that he tucked the hair that normally obscured half his face behind his ear, and lifted up his eyepatch to display the ruined skin beneath it.

Tobi balked and took a step back into his room. "D-Deidara-senpai, that's really - " (Ew, ew, ew. Deidara-senpai was cool but that was really, really scary-looking.) Now on top of everything else Tobi just felt disturbed.

Kind of glad to actually get a reaction (Sasori's response to the whole thing had been markedly disappointing) but annoyed that Tobi was being such a wuss about it, Deidara rolled his eye and covered his .. lack of an eye up again. "There, see, yours can't be that bad, right?"

"But Tobi's not allowed to show anyone," he insisted.

Deidara sighed, quite sure Tobi's aunt was overreacting to whatever was wrong with Tobi's eye. "Come on, Tobi ..." He reached for the other boy's eyepatch, quite willing to remove it himself if Tobi wouldn't.

Tobi's eye widened and he tried to back away from Deidara's hand. "Deidara-senpai, wait - " But it was too late. Deidara had already grabbed his eyepatch, and as Tobi moved back it was pulled away, revealing skin scarred and twisted from what looked like it could have been a burn of some sort, but different from Deidara's - but the real difference was that where Deidara's was just an empty socket, Tobi still had an actual eye - a decidedly disfigured one, discolored from the original orange tone, its shape made crude by the twisting of the skin.

Deidara's head tilted as he stared, at first intrigued and then oddly transfixed. There was something about the newly-exposed eye that made it difficult to look away ... And gradually, something changed in his expression; something shut off, the curiosity dimmed, and he drew back, looking ... miserable.

Tobi stared back at him, his face a mix of shock, worry, and general misery. "...Deidara-senpai...?"

Deidara looked away, the raw sadness on his face quickly creasing over into something more like baffled anger. He glanced briefly back at Tobi and his unusually exposed eye, looking for a moment as if he were about to say something - and then abruptly turned and left.

Tobi yanked his eyepatch back down over his eye (he'd known there was a good reason Auntie told him he wasn't allowed to show anyone) and ran after Deidara. "Deidara-senpai, wait!"

Deidara was walking quite briskly, but he wasn't going to run away from Tobi. He frowned as the younger boy caught up with him, the irritation doing a miserable job of masking the gloom that had suddenly set in. "Tobi - just - go away, un."

"Tobi is sorry, Deidara-senpai - but Tobi told you it was a bad idea..."

Deidara stopped and turned to Tobi with a halfhearted sort of glare. "What did you do?"

"Tobi didn't do anything," Tobi said, honestly - as far as he was concerned, he hadn't done anything.

"Then ... Never mind, un. Go back to your room or whatever."

"Are you okay, Deidara-senpai?" Tobi asked, with honest sincerity - and obvious curiosity. He peered at Deidara's face; his own sadness seemed ot have largely given way to concern about Deidara.

Deidara glowered. "No."

The corners of Tobi's mouth turned down slightly. "Can...Tobi make it better?"

"No! Tobi, leave me alone, un!"

"But Tobi's only trying to help..."

"Well stop," Deidara snapped, turning and walking on.

ch: sasori, ch: deidara

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