
Jan 12, 2007 19:14

Narrative: Complete (log)
Characters: Shiranui Genma, Zetsu
General Setting: Outside of Namekuji House, courtyard
Summary: Genma and Zetsu run into each other outside and have a nice talk.
Warnings: THREATS.

It’s quiet in the dormitory. It’s quiet in the hallways. It’s even quiet outside of Gama House, when it usually shouldn’t be. Zetsu wonders if someone important has passed away (and they’re all being polite) or if one of the fifth years there has finally scared every one into shutting up.

He figures he should take advantage of it, get some work done, but Zetsu works better with white noise in the background, for some reason.

He sloshes around in the courtyard for the lack of anything better to do. All of the work assigned by his classes is done. There’s nothing to do; no first years to frighten, no other Akatsuki members to chat with, and he has no other business with Hayate. For now.

As he pushes the doors of the Namekuji house open and enters the crisp air, Genma notices how he's going, almost running outside again. It's been like this since Hayate told him about the true nature of the suspicious plants in their dorm room and frankly, Genma doesn't want to be there because when he is, the only thing he does is thinking and planning how to get rid of them and Genma isn't the most patient person in the world. So when no good strategies popped up, outdoors seemed to be the only way to get his mind of it.

Genma pulls his jacket tighter and adjusts his bandana. He isn't looking for company and immediately heads for the wooden bench he often sits on, looking forward to the solitude. His classes are finished for the day and though he has some work to do, he couldn't be bothered to do them now.
He continues along the path until he arrives at the courtyard. He's about to cross through it without stopping, until he senses someone close to him and looks up from his feet. He shouldn't have done that.



Zetsu replies arrogantly, but despite that he keeps his face carefully blank. This is Hayate’s roommate and he’s sure that whatever he says (or implies with body language and tone of voice) will be relayed back to Hayate as soon as he and Genma cross paths.

Zetsu weighs the options of trying his hand at small talk, just to be polite.

“Having a nice day?”

It would be unfortunate if their encounter somehow affected the arrangement between himself and Hayate. For Genma, that is.

Zetsu was the last person Genma had wanted to run into. The guy was the main cause of his problems at the moment, and considering Hayate's warnings, Genma wouldn't have wanted to meet him even on other terms. He was sure Zetsu knew he was Hayate's roommate - since he had been that last year too - and he most likely knew that Genma knew about his and Hayate's deal.
However, Genma tried to think rationally, Zetsu didn't seem too intimidating at the moment. Perhaps Genma would be able to reason with him. Maybe.
"I've had better," he replied truthfully and looked straight at Zetsu. "How about you?"

Zetsu offers up a ghost of a smile and shifts his weight to one leg. “About the same.” He says and doesn’t bother to keep his voice crisp and proper. If Genma is isn’t out to cause trouble, then he will comply, too, and keep it casual.

Genma resisted the urge to swallow - what was it about this guy that was so damn unsettling? - and flicked the comforting senbon between his teeth. He pushed his hands into his pockets and tried to think of something to say. He wanted to ask him that what the fuck was he doing, shoving drugs to Hayate, but refrained. He shifted his feet and tried to seem nonchalant.
Genma nodded towards the school. "How has the term started?" he asked lamely and hated the fakeness he could hear in his own voice.

Zetsu watches with faint interest at how Genma, despite his valiant attempts, is failing to look natural. Had he not shuffled his feet or messed with the senbon, Zetsu might have believed it. Zetsu considers flashing the hilt of the kunai he keeps in his sleeve or fidgeting with his hands behind his back, just for the fun of it.

“It has started... quite nicely.”

The corner of his mouth curls and his fingers twitch.

How awkward could a conversation get? Genma thought, while answering, "Same here," and fumbling with the loose ends of thread inside his pockets. He refused to look at the ground, so he stared into the distance in front of him and briefly pondered if he could stand a chance against a fifth year. Probably not, for very long at least and the realisation made him frown a bit.
He had to ask. Genma wanted to, almost desperately, find away to get rid of the damned plants. They were growing too fast and if anyone stepped inside dorm room 203, they'd see and definitely recognise them.
"So, you're friends with Hayate?" he blurted out before he could stop himself.

Zetsu stares at Genma evenly, the question unexpected. He wonders if Genma put any thought into it at all.

“No, not really.” He says and dares to give the answer he suspects Genma actually wants. “Had Hayate kept his mouth shut, /they/ would have gone to someone else.”

Genma's eyebrow lifted slightly. He had expected Zetsu to avoid the question completely, at least not go straight to the point.
"Had he kept his mouth shut about what?" Genma felt annoyed that he didn't know all the details of the matter - thanks to Hayate being so damn vague about everything.

He scowls and stands up straight. “About trust. He said that I should /trust/ him because if we ever got paired up on a mission, one of us or someone else might die without /trust/. So I /trusted/ him to watch /them/.” Zetsu sighs and flaps his hands arrogantly to dismiss the problem.

“I assumed you would be more informed about the situation.”

So that was the trust-thing Hayate had been going on about. Genma almost snorted. His roommate was really impossible sometimes, though he did have a point. Perhaps.
Genma felt much more at ease now. Zetsu didn't seem half that bad as Hayate had described him and Genma wondered if this was the same Zetsu at all.
"I'd like to be more informed, since it is my room too," he replied and turned to look at Zetsu. "But when are you gonna take them back? They're pretty big already, you know."

“The three young ones won’t be ready for at least a few more months.” He says impatiently, fed up with being hassled by a fourth year that doesn’t have the slightest clue of what’s going on. “I’ll come get the other one... later. Then I’ll pay Hayate what I owe him, and you can both go about your normal fourth year business.”

Genma stood a little straighter and glanced at Zetsu. The senbon flicked between his teeth. "Fine," he said. It seemed that there was no way of getting rid of the plants, since Hayate had more or less, judging by what Zetsu had told him, brought the situation upon himself. Genma was about to turn on his heels, before a sudden thought occurred to him.
"But just know that if someone discovers them, I won't hesitate to tell where they came from."

Zetsu sets his jaw. He is intimidated, not by Genma in the least, but by the concept of being found out. “If I get caught, it won’t matter if I kill you.”

Genma refused to gulp. He was beginning to understand why Hayate had been so freaked out by this guy. Squaring his shoulders, Genma gathered all the remaining courage he had and stared straight into Zetsu's eyes. He wasn't like grandpa-Hayate - he wouldn't be scared. "We'll see about that then." With that, Genma promptly turned to the direction of the Namekuji house. He needed to get away, now.

Zetsu sinks into the snow, under the ground, and surfaces in front of Genma. The slush slides off his shoulders and his uniform and lands heavily at their feet. “I’ll rip your face right off your head if you even think about telling someone.” He says pointedly, but doesn’t move.

Not good, not good, Genma repeated in his head, but thanked his ninja reflexes as he jumped backwards, a safe few feet away from Zetsu. He adjusted the position of the senbon in his mouth, making sure it was perfectly aligned if he needed to defend himself. The feel of the metal against his lips was oddly comforting, but he really didn't want to be in the situation. Damn.
"I didn't say I'd be telling anyone now," he tried to keep his voice as steady as possible, "and do you really think it's a good idea to tear me to shreds here, in the middle of the day?" He felt pathetic for not just fighting Zetsu, but Genma knew which one of them would win the match.

Zetsu looks thoughtful, his eyes slightly out of focus as he gets caught up in the vivid recreations of past missions playing in his subconscious, triggered by Genma’s choice of words. He eyes Genma lazily, mulling over the many creative ways he could gut Hayate’s delightful roommate and display his corpse and insides around the courtyard in a not-so-subtle way of showing off his capabilities (what he’ll do if he’s crossed). “Oh, I didn’t mean I was going to do it now,” Zetsu says politely and with a horrible smile. “I meant if you ran your mouth I was going to kill you. But you’re not that dumb.” How disappointing, he adds, but not aloud.

Letting the tenseness in his shoulders settle a bit, Genma stared at Zetsu, his eyes mere slits. Zetsu's arrogance was starting to get to him and gradually subsiding the dread. "Like I said, we'll see about that then." He wasn't a fool and didn't like being treated that way.

“Surely.” He replies, but isn’t satisfied that Genma isn’t shaking in his boots. Zetsu supposes he should do something more than threaten him (those could be empty; Genma could be relying solely on the possibility that he’s bluffing), but isn’t sure what. “Keep in mind, if a sensei knocks on my door, I won’t leave the campus without killing you.”

"I'll make sure I'm ready," Genma answered with all the confidence he could muster. He relaxed some more, but didn't let go of his fighting stance just yet. Who knew how fast he'd have to react if Zetsu suddenly snapped?

Zetsu scowls. Provoking Genma is more trouble than it’s worth, considering he hasn’t really done anything. “Have a good evening, Genma-kun. Give Hayate-kun my regards.” He nods curtly and enters the Namekuji house.
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