Uh, I can't get on the net now on my computer....Jeremy, if you're reading this.....can you please fix my computer?? >_> I'd love you until the end of time. @_@ Please get this post!!!! I seriously need my computer to get better!!
So, does any of my friends have scanlations of the Switch manga by Naked Ape past the 3rd volume???? Preferably in the only language I know fluently, english??
I'm thinking of one person in particular that may have it, but I don't know if she's on...XD <3 <3
Even though I only understand about 10% of the CD.....*sighs* WOW. WOW. OH GOD THE MOANS IN MY EAR!!! *shivers greatly* WHO can listen to this?! OH GOSH IT'S WORSE THAN ENZAI!!! T^T MAKE IT STOP!!!!