Based upon all that I have read, it would be very easy to underestimate the amount of damage this bill could do to the Internet, to ordinary people, and to the economy: Stop SOPA (and Protect-IP) and Save the Internet
BlackBoxVoting, a Voting watchdog group has discovered a major security hole in the Diebold electronic vote tabulating machines. It appears to be deliberately designed for manipulating election results. They are working to get this flaw known to the public and the local election officials, so that they can monitor the tabulatin machines. However,
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Researchers at the University of Arizona report "Jupiter and Asteroid Belt A Prerequisite For Life On Earth?". In summary - the element phosphorus is very much more common (and critical!) in life than in the universe as a whole. The article investigates a likely source of the needed phosphorus -- the corrosion of iron
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Well, a 3-6 month contract job, anyway. At least it's money coming in. I start Wednesday or Thursday next week, depending on the paperwork. It sounds like an interesting project
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Sheesh. I couldn't take the "what decade are you living in" quiz, since you have to answer every question, and there were too many with no answers that I would be willing to pick.
I just got back from my (2nd) HAI level 4 workshop. I now know what work I have to do to be me, to be all I can be, to be whole. I have had flashes of what it is like when I'm done. This post is the result of one such flash
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