My birthday and a rant about japanese society.

Oct 27, 2013 00:59

So this is a little out there but I kept thinking about it today and I think I just want to write about it ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

arasukishi October 29 2013, 01:23:53 UTC
Happy birthday to you. :)

I agree with how most of the young Japanese don't have role models to pattern their notions of ideal relationships after. Their grandparents are often in arranged marriages - that, if they last, can be civil, but passionate? - and their parents are in roleplays where father spends most of his time at work and mother is stuck at home. I remember reading about a young girl who said she didn't want to be "like her mother", and that made me so sad. But I understand why many don't want to be saddled down by marriages.

Sometimes I wonder what the solution is to Japan's population problem. Should they encourage immigration? I don't see that happening though. Gah. Sorry for the long comment.

And happy birthday, again. :)


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